
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <allegro5/allegro_primitives.h>
#include "game.h"
#include "map.h"
#define QUEUE_SIZE 3000

/*global variables*/
// [ NOTE ]
const int block_width = 21,  block_height = 21;			// the pixel size of a "block"
const int map_offset_x = 25, map_offset_y = 50;			// pixel offset of where to start draw map
const int four_probe[4][2] = {{ 1, 0 }, { 0, 1 }, { -1,0 }, { 0, -1 }};

/* Declare static function prototypes. */
static void draw_block_index(Map* M, int row, int col);
static void draw_bean(Map* M, const int row, const int col);
static void draw_power_bean(Map* M, const int row, const int col);

const char* nthu_map[] = {
	"#.####.#...........###.....# #.###.#",
	"#.P......#########.....#.#.###.# #.#",
	"#.#####.###      ###.###.#.#P#.# #.#",
	"#.#   #...#        #.###.#.#.#.# #.#",
	"#.#   #.#.#        #.###.#...#.# #.#",
	"#.###  ##.########.##BBB##.##.#P##.#",
	"#.#### ##....##....##BBB##.##.#.##.#",
	"#.## ####.##.##.##.#######.##.#.##.#",
	"#.##  ###.##.##.##.#######.##...##.#",
	"#.##   ##.##.##.##.##   ##.#######.#",
	"#.#    #.###.#####   #.........# #.#",
	"#.######.........#####.###.###.# #.#",
	"#........#######.......# #.# #.# #.#",
	"#.######.#     #####.### #.# #.###.#",
	"#.#    #.###########.#####.###.....#",
	"#..........#########.#######.#.# #.#",
	"#.#######.##########.#     #...# #.#",

const char* default_map[] = {
	"#                                  #",
	"#                                  #",
	"#                                  #",
	"#                                  #",
	"#                                  #",
	"#                                  #",
	"#                                  #",
	"#                                  #",
	"#                                  #",
	"#                    BBB           #",
	"#                    BBB           #",
	"#                    BBB           #",
	"#                                  #",
	"#                                  #",
	"#                                  #",
	"#                                  #",
	"#                                  #",
	"#                                  #",
	"#                                  #",
	"#                                  #",
	"#                                  #",
	"#                                  #",
	"#                                  #",
	"#                                  #",
	"#                                  #",
	"#                                  #",
	"#                                  #",
	"#                                  #",

Map* create_map(const char * filepath) {

// TODO: Read the map from "Assets/map_nthu.txt"
// ~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~
// Description: So for this part, you don't have to really finish them during hackathon.
// You can just copy the map data in "map_nthu.txt" to the array `default_map`
// Or just use the array `nthu_map` in your Map Data. 
// But we suggest you to finish this part if you have time since this is one of 
// the grading part in Basic part in Final_Project_Rules.
/* ----------------------------- start of default map code*/
	Map* M = (Map*)malloc(sizeof(Map));
	FILE* pFile = NULL;
	if (!M) {
		game_abort("Error when creating Map");
		return NULL;
	if (filepath == NULL) {
		M->row_num = 30;
		M->col_num = 36;
		game_log("Creating from default map. row = %d col = %d", M->row_num, M->col_num);
	else {
		// [HACKATHON 0-1]
		// use fopen to create a file FILE* type
		// use pFile can fscanf do reading from file just like read from command line.
		game_log("%s\n", filepath);
		fopen_s(&pFile,filepath, "r");
		if (!pFile) {
			game_abort("error to open map file\n");
			return NULL;
		if(fscanf(pFile,"%d %d",&M->row_num,&M->col_num) != 2) {
			game_abort("Map format unmatched\n");
			return NULL;
		getc(pFile); // get the '\n'

	Allocate a 2-Dimension dynamic char array for recording Map 
	M->map = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * M->row_num);
	if (!M->map) {
		game_abort(stderr, "map char array malloc error\n");
		return NULL;
	for (int i = 0; i < M->row_num; i++) {
		M->map[i] = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (M->col_num));
			game_abort(stderr, "map char array malloc error\n");
			return NULL;
		read file to map[row][col] 
		'#' -> wall
		'.' -> beans
		'B' -> room of ghost
		'P' -> Power Pellets

	M->wallnum = M->beansCount = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < M->row_num; i++) {
		for (int j = 0; j < M->col_num; j++) {
			if (filepath == NULL)
			// [HACKATHON 0-1]
			// You can just switch to nthu_map if you want to finish HACKATHON 0 later.
				M->map[i][j] = default_map[i][j]; 
			//	M->map[i][j] = nthu_map[i][j];
				// [HACKATHON 0-2]
				// read the map from file just like read from default_map
			switch(M->map[i][j]) {
			case '#':
			case '.':
		if(filepath != NULL)
	M->beansNum = 3; //M->beansCount;
	return M;

void delete_map(Map* M) {
	if (!M)
	// [TODO]
	// you should free the dynamic allocated part of Map* M at here;
	if (M->map)
		for (int i = 0; i < M->row_num; i++) {

void draw_map(Map const* M) {
	if (M == NULL) {
		game_abort("error map!\n");
		draw the map according to M->map
	for (int row = 0; row < M->row_num; row++) {
		for (int col = 0; col < M->col_num; col++) {
			switch (M->map[row][col])
				case '#':
					draw_block_index(M, row, col);
				// [ TODO ]
				// draw the power bean
				case 'P':
				case '.':
					draw_bean(M, row, col);
				case '#':
				case '.': 
				case 'P':

static void draw_block_index(Map* M, const int row, const int col) {
	bool U = is_wall_block(M, col, row - 1);
	bool UR = is_wall_block(M, col + 1, row - 1);
	bool UL = is_wall_block(M, col -1, row- 1);
	bool B = is_wall_block(M, col, row+ 1);
	bool BR = is_wall_block(M, col + 1, row + 1);
	bool BL = is_wall_block(M, col - 1, row + 1);
	bool R = is_wall_block(M, col + 1, row);
	bool L = is_wall_block(M, col - 1,row);
	if (!(U && UR && UL && B && BR && BL && R && L)) {
	int s_x, s_y, e_x, e_y, dw;
	int block_x = map_offset_x + block_width * col;
	int block_y = map_offset_y + block_height * row;
	dw = block_width / 3;
		s_x = block_x + dw;
		s_y = block_y+ dw;
		e_x = s_x + dw;
		e_y = s_y + dw;

		al_draw_filled_rectangle(s_x, s_y,
			e_x, e_y, al_map_rgb(25, 154, 25));
		if (row < M->row_num - 1 && B && !(BL && BR && R && L)) {
			s_x = block_x + dw;
			s_y = block_y + dw;
			e_x = s_x + dw;
			e_y = block_y + block_height;
			al_draw_filled_rectangle(s_x, s_y,
				e_x, e_y, al_map_rgb(25, 154, 25));
		if (row > 0 && U && !(UL && UR && R && L)) {
			s_x = block_x + dw;
			s_y = block_y + (dw << 1);
			e_x = s_x + dw;
			e_y = block_y;
			al_draw_filled_rectangle(s_x, s_y,
				e_x, e_y, al_map_rgb(25, 154, 25));
		if (col < M->col_num - 1 && R && !(UR && BR && U && B)) {
			s_x = block_x + dw;
			s_y = block_y + dw;
			e_x = block_x + block_width;
			e_y = s_y + dw;
			al_draw_filled_rectangle(s_x, s_y,
				e_x, e_y, al_map_rgb(25, 154, 25));

		if (col > 0 && L && !(UL && BL && U && B)) {
			s_x = block_x;
			s_y = block_y + dw;
			e_x = s_x + (dw << 1);
			e_y = s_y + dw;
			al_draw_filled_rectangle(s_x, s_y,
				e_x, e_y, al_map_rgb(25, 154, 25));

static void draw_bean(Map* M, const int row, const int col) {
	al_draw_filled_circle(map_offset_x + col * block_width + block_width / 2.0, map_offset_y + row * block_height + block_height / 2.0, block_width/6.0,  al_map_rgb(234, 38, 38));

static void draw_power_bean(Map* M, const int row, const int col) {
	al_draw_filled_circle(map_offset_x + col * block_width + block_width / 2.0, map_offset_y + row * block_height + block_height / 2.0, block_width / 3.0, al_map_rgb(234, 178, 38));

bool is_wall_block(Map* M, int index_x, int index_y) {
	if (index_x < 0 || index_x >= M->col_num || index_y < 0 || index_y >= M->row_num)
		return true;
	return M->map[index_y][index_x] == '#';
bool is_room_block(Map* M, int index_x, int index_y) {
	if (index_x < 0 || index_x >= M->col_num || index_y < 0 || index_y >= M->row_num)
		return true;
	return M->map[index_y][index_x] == 'B';

Directions shortest_path_direc(Map* M, int startGridx, int startGridy, int endGridx, int endGridy) {
	// [NOTODO]
	// Here is a complete function return the next direction of the shorstest path.
	// Given Map, start point and end point.
	// It will tell you where to go for the shortest path.
	// !NOTICE! if your map grow really large, the size of queue, may become not enough. 
	// Hint: You can alter this function and make it return direction and also the distance for your usage.

static int8_t queue_x[QUEUE_SIZE];
static int8_t queue_y[QUEUE_SIZE];
static	uint16_t front;
static	uint16_t end;

	static Directions steped[MAX_WALL_NUM_H][MAX_WALL_NUM_W];
	memset(steped, 0, sizeof(steped)); // set as NONE;

	front = end = 0;
	queue_x[end] = startGridx;
	queue_y[end] = startGridy;
	steped[startGridy][startGridx] = 1; /*	for dummy just means that startGrid have been visited.	*/ 


	for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		int8_t x = queue_x[front] + four_probe[i][0];
		int8_t y = queue_y[front] + four_probe[i][1];
		if (is_wall_block(M, x, y) || steped[y][x])
		queue_x[end] = x;
		queue_y[end] = y;
		switch (i) {
			case 0:
				steped[y][x] = RIGHT;
			case 1:
				steped[y][x] = DOWN;
			case 2:
				steped[y][x] = LEFT;
			case 3:
				steped[y][x] = UP;

	while (front != end && steped[endGridy][endGridx] == NONE) {

		for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
			int8_t x = queue_x[front] + four_probe[i][0];
			int8_t y = queue_y[front] + four_probe[i][1];
			if (is_wall_block(M, x, y) || steped[y][x])
			queue_x[end] = x;
			queue_y[end] = y;
			steped[y][x] = steped[queue_y[front]][queue_x[front]];
	return steped[endGridy][endGridx];

Raw Text