
This script is usable in https://www.haxball.com/headless
    1) Copy this script
    2) Go to the link, then press F12
    3) Go to console if it's not already set, then paste
    4) Enter
var maxPlayers = 10; 

var room = HBInit({ roomName: "TurkeyPlaceβ–ˆ", maxPlayers: maxPlayers, playerName : "BOTπŸ“£", public : true});

var goalPts = 3;
var assistPts = 2;
var winPts = 5;
var csPts = 3;
var losePts = -5;
var ogPts = 0;


var boldedNumbers = 'πŸŽπŸπŸπŸ‘πŸ’πŸ“πŸ”πŸ•πŸ–πŸ—';
var circledNumbers = 'πŸ„‹β“΅β“Άβ“·β“Έβ“Ήβ“Ίβ“»β“Όβ“½';

function boldedNumber(num){
	var result = '';
	var reversedDigits = [];
		reversedDigits.push(num % 10);
		num = Math.floor(num / 10);
	}while(num > 0);
	for (var i = reversedDigits.length; i-- > 0; ){
		result += boldedNumbers.substr(reversedDigits[i]*2, 2);
	return result;

function circledNumber(num){
	var result = '';
	var reversedDigits = [];
		reversedDigits.push(num % 10);
		num = Math.floor(num / 10);
	}while(num > 0);
	for (var i = reversedDigits.length; i-- > 0; ){
		if(reversedDigits[i] == 0){
			result += circledNumbers.substr(reversedDigits[i], 2);
			result += circledNumbers.substr(1+reversedDigits[i], 1);
	return result;
// If there are no admins left in the room give admin to one of the remaining players.
function updateAdmins() {
  // Get all players except the host (id = 0 is always the host)
  var players = room.getPlayerList().filter((player) => player.id != 0 );
  if ( players.length == 0 ) return; // No players left, do nothing.
  if ( players.find((player) => player.admin) != null ) return; // There's an admin left so do nothing.
  room.setPlayerAdmin(players[0].id, true); // Give admin to the first non admin player in the list
function initPlayerStats(player){
    if (stats.get(player.name)) return;
    stats.set(player.name, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) // goals, assists, wins, loses, og, cs, games, games on GK
for commands
function swapFun(player){
    if (player.admin == true){
        if (room.getScores() == null) {
            players = room.getPlayerList();
            for (i = 0; i < players.length; i++){
                if (players[i].team == 1){
                    room.setPlayerTeam(players[i].id, 2);
                else if (players[i].team == 2){
                    room.setPlayerTeam(players[i].id, 1);
	return false;
function pushMuteFun(player, message){ // !mute Anddy
    // Prevent somebody to talk in the room (uses the nickname, not the id)
    // need to be admin
    if (player.admin == true){
		var mutedPlayer = message.substr(6);
        if (!(mutedPlayers.includes(mutedPlayer))){
			room.sendChat('πŸ”‡ ' + mutedPlayer + ' has been muted');
	return false;
function gotMutedFun(player){
    if (mutedPlayers.includes(player.name)){
        return true;
function unmuteFun(player, message){ // !unmute Anddy
    // Allow somebody to talk if he has been muted
    // need to be admin
    if (player.admin == true){
		mutedPlayer = message.substr(8);
        pos = mutedPlayers.indexOf(mutedPlayer);
        mutedPlayers.splice(pos, 1);
		room.sendChat('πŸ”ˆ ' + mutedPlayer + ' has been unmuted');
	return false;

function helpFun() { // !help
    room.sendChat('πŸ’¬ Available commands: "!stats Nickname", "!ranking", "!poss", "!resetstats", "!adminhelp", "!gkhelp", "!rankhelp"');
function adminHelpFun() {
    room.sendChat('πŸ’¬ Admin commands: !mute {nick}, !unmute {nick}, ' +
    '!clearbans, !rr, !resetranking, !reset {nick}, !slot {nick}, !clearslot, !last, !clearlast')
function gkHelpFun() { // !gkhelp
	room.sendChat('πŸ’¬ The most backward player at the kick off will be set as gk ! (write "!gk" if the bot was wrong).')

function rankHelpFun() { // !rankhelp
    room.sendChat("πŸ’¬ Get points by doing good things in this room ! Goal: " + goalPts + " pts, assist: " + assistPts + " pts, win: " + winPts + " pts, lose: " + losePts + " pts, cs: " + csPts + " pts.")
function statsFun(player, message){ // !stats Anddy
    if (stats.get(message.substr(7))){
function rankFun() { // !ranking
    string = ranking();
    room.sendChat("πŸ† Ranking: " + string);
    //room.sendChat("πŸ“œ Ranking: " + string);

function resetPlayerStatsFun (player, message){ // !reset Anddy
	if (player.admin == true){
		var playerName = message.substr(7);
		stats.set(playerName, [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]);
		room.sendChat(playerName + "'s stats have been reset ! ")
	return false;

function resetStatsFun (player){ // !resetstats
    if (rankingCalc(player.name) > 0){
        stats.set(player.name, [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]);
        room.sendChat('Your stats have been reset ! ')
    else (room.sendChat('Sorry, you must have positive points to be able to reset it'))

function resetRankingFun(player){
	if (player.admin == true){
		var players = room.getPlayerList();
		for(var i = 0; i < players.length; i++) {
			stats.set(players[i].name, [0,0,0,0,0,0]);
		room.sendChat("Ranking has been reset by admin! ")
	return false;
function clearFun(player){ // !clear
    if (player.admin == true){
	return false;
function resetFun(player){
    if (player.admin == true){
	return false;

function gkFun(player){ // !gk

	if (room.getScores() != null && room.getScores().time < 60){
		if (player.team == 1) {
			gk[0] = player;
		else if (player.team == 2){
			gk[1] = player;
var slotReservationNick = '';
function slotFun(player, message){  // !slot Anddy
    if (player.admin == true){
		slotReservationNick = message.substr(6);
	return false;

function clearSlotFun(player){  // !clearslot
    if (player.admin == true){
		slotReservationNick = '';
	return false;

var isLastGame = false;
function lastGameFun(player){
	if (player.admin == true){
		isLastGame = true;
	return false;

function clearLastGameFun(player){
	if (player.admin == true){
		isLastGame = false;
	return false;
function sendOnlyForAdminMsg(){
   room.sendChat("β›” Command available only for admin!");

    For ranking
function rankingCalc(player){
    /*return stats.get(player)[0] * 3 + stats.get(player)[1] * 2 +
            stats.get(player)[2] * 5 + stats.get(player)[5] * 3 -
            stats.get(player)[3] * 7 - stats.get(player)[4] * 0;*/
	return stats.get(player)[0] * goalPts + stats.get(player)[1] * assistPts +
		stats.get(player)[2] * winPts + stats.get(player)[5] * csPts +
		stats.get(player)[3] * losePts - stats.get(player)[4] * ogPts;
function ranking(){
    var overall = [];
    players = Array.from(stats.keys());
    for (var i = 2; i < players.length; i++) {
        score = rankingCalc(players[i])
        // Goal: 3 pts, assist: 2 pts, win: 5 pts, cs: 3 pts, lose: -7 pts, og: 0 pts
        overall.push({name: players[i], value: score, games: stats.get(players[i])[6]});
        return b.value - a.value;
    result = '';
	var position = 1;
    for (var i = 0; i < overall.length; i++) {
		//if(i > 0){
		//	result += ', ';
        if (overall[i].games > 0){
			result += circledNumber(position) + ' ' + overall[i].name + ': ' + overall[i].value + ' ';
    return result;
function sendStats(name){
	var ranking = rankingCalc(name);
    ps = stats.get(name); // stands for playerstats
    room.sendChat(name + ": goals: " + ps[0] + ", assists: " + ps[1]
    + ", cs: " + ps[5] + "/" + ps[7] +" , wins: " + ps[2] + ", loses: " + ps[3] +
    ", points: " + ranking + ", avg: " + (Math.round(100 * ranking/ (ps[6]+ 0.0000001) )/100));
function whichTeam(){ // gives the players in the red or blue team
    var players = room.getPlayerList();
    var redTeam = players.filter(player => player.team == 1);
    var blueTeam = players.filter(player => player.team == 2);
    return [redTeam, blueTeam]

function isGk(){ // gives the mosts backward players before the first kickOff
	var players = room.getPlayerList();
	var min = players[0];
	min.position = {x: room.getBallPosition().x + 60}
	var max = min;

	for (var i = 0; i < players.length; i++) {
		if (players[i].position != null){
			if (min.position.x > players[i].position.x) min = players[i];
			if (max.position.x < players[i].position.x) max = players[i];
	return [min, max]

function updateWinLoseStats(winners, losers){
    for (var i = 0; i < winners.length; i++) {
		stats.get(winners[i].name)[2] += 1;  //wins
		stats.get(winners[i].name)[6] += 1;  // total games
    for (var i = 0; i < losers.length; i++) {
		stats.get(losers[i].name)[3] += 1;  // loses
		stats.get(losers[i].name)[6] += 1;  // total games
function initBallCarrying(redTeam, blueTeam){
    var ballCarrying = new Map();
    var playing = redTeam.concat(blueTeam);
    for (var i = 0; i < playing.length; i++) {
        ballCarrying.set(playing[i].name, [0, playing[i].team]); // secs, team, %
    return ballCarrying;
function updateTeamPoss(value){
    if (value[1] == 1) redPoss += value[0];
    if (value[1] == 2) bluePoss += value[0];
var bluePoss;
var redPoss;
var timeOnHalves;
function teamPossFun(){
    if (room.getScores() == null) return false;
    bluePoss = 0;
    redPoss = 0
    var redPossPercent = Math.round((redPoss / (redPoss + bluePoss + 0.000001)) * 100);
    var bluePossPercent = Math.round((bluePoss / (redPoss + bluePoss + 0.000001)) * 100);
    room.sendChat("β›Ή BTopla Oynama πŸ”΄ " + boldedNumber(redPossPercent) + "% - " + boldedNumber(bluePossPercent) + "% πŸ”΅" );
	var timeOnRedHalf = Math.round((timeOnHalves[0] / (timeOnHalves[0] + timeOnHalves[1] + 0.000001)) * 100);
	var timeOnBlueHalf = Math.round((timeOnHalves[1] / (timeOnHalves[0] + timeOnHalves[1] + 0.000001)) * 100);
    room.sendChat("β—§ Game time on halves : πŸ”΄ " + boldedNumber(timeOnRedHalf) + "% - " + boldedNumber(timeOnBlueHalf) + "% πŸ”΅" );
	return false;

For the game
// Gives the last player who touched the ball, works only if the ball has the same
// size than in classics maps.
var radiusBall = 10;
var triggerDistance = radiusBall + 15 + 0.1;
function getLastTouchTheBall(lastPlayerTouched, time) {
    var ballPosition = room.getBallPosition();
    var players = room.getPlayerList();
    for(var i = 0; i < players.length; i++) {
        if(players[i].position != null) {
            var distanceToBall = pointDistance(players[i].position, ballPosition);
            if(distanceToBall < triggerDistance) {
                lastPlayerTouched = players[i];
                return lastPlayerTouched;
    return lastPlayerTouched;
// Calculate the distance between 2 points
function pointDistance(p1, p2) {
    var d1 = p1.x - p2.x;
    var d2 = p1.y - p2.y;
    return Math.sqrt(d1 * d1 + d2 * d2);

// return: the name of the team who took a goal
var team_name = team => team == 1 ? "πŸ”΄ Red" : "πŸ”΅ Blue";

var team_color = team => team == 1 ? "πŸ”΄" : "πŸ”΅";

// return: whether it's an OG
var isOwnGoal = (team, player) => team != player.team ? " (og)" : "";
// return: whether there's an assist
var playerTouchedTwice = playerList => playerList[0].team == playerList[1].team ? " (" + playerList[1].name + ")" : "";
var stats = new Map(); // map where will be set all player stats
var mutedPlayers = []; // Array where will be added muted players
var init = "init"; // Smth to initialize smth
init.id = 0; // Faster than getting host's id with the method
init.name = "init";
var scorers ; // Map where will be set all scorers in the current game (undefined if reset or end)
var whoTouchedLast; // var representing the last player who touched the ball
var whoTouchedBall = [init, init]; // Array where will be set the 2 last players who touched the ball
var gk = [init, init];
var goalScored = false;
var commands = {
    // Command that doesnt need to know players attributes.
    "!yardΔ±m": helpFun,
	"!gkhelp": gkHelpFun,
    "!adminhelp": adminHelpFun,
    "!rankyardΔ±m": rankHelpFun,
    "!rank": rankFun,
    "!poss": teamPossFun,
    // Command that need to know who is the player.
    "!resetstats": resetStatsFun,
	"!gk": gkFun,
    // Command that need to know if a player is admin.
    "!swap": swapFun,
    "!rr": resetFun,
    "!clearbans": clearFun,
	"!resetranking": resetRankingFun,
	"!reset": resetPlayerStatsFun,
	"!slot": slotFun,
	"!clearslot": clearSlotFun,
	"!last": lastGameFun,
	"!clearlast": clearLastGameFun,
    // Command that need to know what's the message.
    "!stats": statsFun,
    // Command that need to know who is the player and what's the message.
    "!mute" : pushMuteFun,
    "!unmute": unmuteFun
initPlayerStats(room.getPlayerList()[0]) // lazy lol, i'll fix it later
room.onPlayerLeave = function(player) {
room.onPlayerJoin = function(player) {
		room.kickPlayer(player.id, 'Last game', false);
	var players = room.getPlayerList().filter((player) => player.id != 0 );
	if(slotReservationNick && players.length == maxPlayers && slotReservationNick != player.name){
		room.kickPlayer(player.id, 'Sorry, last slot is reserved. Try again later!', false);
	if(slotReservationNick == player.name){
		slotReservationNick = '';
    updateAdmins(); // Gives admin to the first player who join the room if there's no one
    initPlayerStats(player); // Set new player's stat
    room.sendChat("πŸ’¬ Hi " + player.name + " ! Write https://discord.gg/5HaSQVm" )
var redTeam;
var blueTeam;
room.onGameStart = function() {
    [redTeam,blueTeam] = whichTeam();
    ballCarrying = initBallCarrying(redTeam, blueTeam);
	timeOnHalves = [0,0];
room.onPlayerTeamChange = function(player, byPlayer){
    if (room.getScores() != null){
        if (1 <= player.team <= 2) {
			ballCarrying.set(player.name, [0, player.team]);
room.onPlayerChat = function(player, message) {
    if (mutedPlayers.includes(player.name)) return false;
    let spacePos = message.search(" ");
    let command = message.substr(0, spacePos !== -1 ? spacePos : message.length);
    if (commands.hasOwnProperty(command) == true) return commands[command](player, message);
room.onPlayerBallKick = function (player){
    whoTouchedLast = player;
var kickOff = false;
room.onGameTick = function() {
    if (kickOff == false) { // simplest comparison to not charge usulessly the tick thing
        if (room.getScores().time != 0){
            kickOff = true;
			gk = isGk();
			room.sendChat("Kaleci: πŸ”΄ " + gk[0].name + ", πŸ”΅ " + gk[1].name);
    if (goalScored == false){
        whoTouchedLast = getLastTouchTheBall(whoTouchedLast);
    if (whoTouchedLast != undefined) {
        if (ballCarrying.get(whoTouchedLast.name)) {
            ballCarrying.get(whoTouchedLast.name)[0] += 1/60;
        if  ( whoTouchedLast.id != whoTouchedBall[0].id){
            whoTouchedBall[1] = whoTouchedBall[0];
            whoTouchedBall[0] = whoTouchedLast; // last player who touched the ball
updateTimeOnHalves = function(){
	if(room.getBallPosition().x < 0){
		timeOnHalves[0] += 1/60;
	}else if(room.getBallPosition().x > 0){
		timeOnHalves[1] += 1/60;

function formatTime(time){
	var result = '';
    var m = Math.trunc(time/60); var s = Math.trunc(time % 60);
	result = boldedNumber(m) + ':';
	if(s < 10){
		result+= boldedNumber(0) + boldedNumber(s);
		result+= boldedNumber(s);
	return result;

room.onTeamGoal = function(team){ // Write on chat who scored and when.
    goalScored = true;
    var time = formatTime(room.getScores().time);
    var ownGoal = isOwnGoal(team, whoTouchedBall[0]);
    var assist = "";
    if (ownGoal == "") assist = playerTouchedTwice(whoTouchedBall);
    room.sendChat("⚽ " + time + " - " + whoTouchedBall[0].name + assist + ownGoal + " " + team_color(1) + " " + 
					boldedNumber(room.getScores().red) + " - " + boldedNumber(room.getScores().blue) + " " + team_color(2));
	//room.sendChat("⚽ A goal has been scored by " + whoTouchedBall[0].name +
    // assist + ownGoal + " at " +
    // time + " for team " + team_name(team));
     if (ownGoal != "") {
         stats.get(whoTouchedBall[0].name)[4] += 1;
     } else {
         stats.get(whoTouchedBall[0].name)[0] += 1;
    if (whoTouchedBall[1] != init && assist != "") stats.get(whoTouchedBall[1].name)[1] += 1;
    if (skor == undefined) skor = []; // Initializing array of scorers
    scorers[scorers.length] = [whoTouchedLast.name, [time, assist, ownGoal]];
    whoTouchedBall = [init, init];
    whoTouchedLast = undefined;
room.onPositionsReset = function(){
    goalScored = false;
room.onTeamVictory = function(scores){ // Sum up all scorers since the beginning of the match.
	console.log('room.onTeamVictory, ' + scores.time);
	stats.get(gk[0].name)[7] += 1;	// games on gk
    if (scores.blue == 0 && gk[0].position != null ) {
		stats.get(gk[0].name)[5] += 1;
	} else if (Math.round(scores.time) > scores.timeLimit && scores.red == 0 && scores.blue == 1 && gk[0].position != null){
		stats.get(gk[0].name)[5] += 1;
	stats.get(gk[1].name)[7] += 1;  // games on gk
    if (scores.red == 0 && gk[1].position != null){
		stats.get(gk[1].name)[5] += 1;
	}else if (Math.round(scores.time) > scores.timeLimit && scores.blue == 0 && scores.red == 1 && gk[1].position != null){
		stats.get(gk[1].name)[5] += 1;
    if (scores.red > scores.blue) {
        updateWinLoseStats(redTeam, blueTeam);
    else{ updateWinLoseStats(blueTeam, redTeam); }
    for (var [key, value] of scorers) { // key: name of the player, value: time of the goal
        room.sendChat("⚽ " + key + " " + value[1] + value[2] + ": " + value[0]);
room.onGameStop = function(){
    scorers = undefined;
    whoTouchedBall = [init, init];
    whoTouchedLast = undefined;
    gk = [init, init];
    kickOff = false;

Raw Text