Pairing Exercise - Martin Cigorraga

## Goal
To extend the Authorizer exercise with a new business rule.

#### Extension
Create a new business rule: `first-transaction-amount-exceeded`.

This validation consists in blocking the very first transaction if the transaction's amount surpasses 90% of the available limit.

The new violation will happen if both of the following conditions are true:

1. It's the very first account's transaction
2. Transaction's amount surpasses 90% of the `available-limit`

#### Examples:

For the following operations:

{ "account": { "active-card": true, "available-limit": 100 } }
{ "transaction": { "merchant": "A", "amount": 91, "time": "2019-02-13T10:00:00.000Z" } }

The output should be:

{ "violations": [], "account": { "available-limit": 100, "active-card": true } }
{ "violations": ["first-transaction-amount-exceeded"], "account": { "available-limit": 100, "active-card": true } }

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