
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from math import pi

# Set data
df = pd.DataFrame({
    'group': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],
    'var1': [38, 1.5, 30, 4],
    'var2': [29, 10, 9, 34],
    'var3': [8, 39, 23, 24],
    'var4': [7, 31, 33, 14],
    'var5': [28, 15, 32, 14]

# number of variable (Service providers)
categories = list(df)[1:]
N = len(categories)

# We are going to plot the first line of the data frame.
# But we need to repeat the first value to close the circular graph:
values = df.loc[0].drop('group').values.flatten().tolist()
values += [0]
# What will be the angle of each axis in the plot? (we divide the plot / number of variable)
angles = [n / float(N) * 2 * pi for n in range(N)]
angles += angles[:1]

# Initialise the spider plot
ax = plt.subplot(111, polar=True)

# Draw one axe per variable + add labels labels yet
plt.xticks(angles[:-1], categories, color='grey', size=8)

# Draw ylabels
plt.yticks([10, 20, 30], ["10", "20", "30"], color="grey", size=7)
plt.ylim(0, 40)

# Plot data
ax.plot(angles, values, linewidth=1, linestyle='solid')


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