
$language['function']['down_desc'] = " ";

	Author: Werton


	Graphics: Konkol

	Config File


define('ICON_ID', 'i_icon_id');
define('NEEDED_JOIN_POWER', 'i_channel_needed_join_power');
define('NEEDED_SUBSCRIBE_POWER', 'i_channel_needed_subscribe_power');
define('NEEDED_MODIFY_POWER', 'i_channel_needed_modify_power');
$config['general'] = array
	'connection_ts3' => array



		// ENG [TeamSpeak3 Server IP Adress]   #   PL [Adres IP serwera]
			'IP' 			=> 'TAK',
		// ENG [TeamSpeak3 Server Query Port]   #   PL [Port Query serwera]
			'query_port'		=> '1111',

		// ENG [TeamSpeak3 Server Port]   #   PL [Port serwera]
			'port' 			=> '9987',

		// ENG [TeamSpeak3 Server Query Login]   #   PL [Login Query serwera]
			'login' 		=> 'addd',

		// ENG [TeamSpeak3 Server Query Password]   #   PL [Haslo Query serwera]
			'password' 		=> 'fasasddc23+a',

			'ssh_connect' => false,
	'connection_database' => array


		// ENG [Database IP]   #   PL [Adres IP bazy danych]
			'db_ip' 		=> '',

		// ENG [Database PORT]   #   PL [Port bazy danych]
			'db_port' 		=> 3306,

		// ENG [Database user]   #   PL [Użytkownik bazy danych]
			'db_user'		=> 'alalsdada',

		// ENG [Database password]   #   PL [Hasło do bazy danych]
			'db_password' 		=> 'dsdpaspda',

		// ENG [Database name]   #   PL [Nazwa bazy danych]
			'db_name' 		=> 'xt',
	'instances_settings' => array


		'settings' => array
			// ENG [Show links to profile]  #  PL [Pokazuj linki do profilu]
			'show_links' => array('enabled' => false, 'link' => ''),
			// ENG [Main admins databases]  #  PL [Database id głównych adminów]
			'main_admins_dbid' => array(2),
		'instances' => array
			'1' => array	//Aktualizator
				'enabled' => true,
				'database_enabled' => true,
				'bot_name' => ' ▪ Aktualizator',
				'default_channel' => 1,
			'2' => array	//Administrator
				'enabled' => true,
				'database_enabled' => true,
				'bot_name' => ' ▪ Powiadomienia',
				'default_channel' => 1,
			'3' => array	//Database
				'enabled' => true,
				'database_enabled' => true,
				'bot_name' => ' ▪ Strażnik danych',
				'default_channel' => 1,
			'4' => array	//Channels Guard
				'enabled' => true,
				'database_enabled' => true,
				'bot_name' => ' ▪ Strażnik kanałów',
				'default_channel' => 1,
			'5' => array	//Commander
				'enabled' => true,
				'database_enabled' => true,
				'bot_name' => ' ▪ Strażnik poleceń',
				'default_channel' => 1,

				// ENG [Set individual ts3 login and password]   #   PL [Ustaw indywidualny login i hasło do ts3]
				'individual_login' => array
					'enabled' => false,
					'login' => '',
					'password' => '',
			'6' => array	//LiveHelp
				'enabled' => true,
				'database_enabled' => true,
				'bot_name' => ' ▪ LiveHelp',
				'default_channel' => 1,

				// ENG [Set individual ts3 login and password]   #   PL [Ustaw indywidualny login i hasło do ts3]
				'individual_login' => array
					'enabled' => false,
					'login' => 'livehelp',
					'password' => '',

$config['instance']['1']['logs_system'] = array

	 	       ENG [LOGS SYSTEM]       #       PL [SYSTEM LOGÓW]


	'logs' => array
		// ENG [Turn on/off logs system (true or false)]   #   PL [Włączenie lub wyłączenie systemu logów]
			'enabled' => true,  

		// ENG [Days, after which, log files will be deleted]   #   PL [Czas w dniach, po których pliki logów zostana usunięte]
			'delete_interval' => '3',

$config['instance']['1']['options'] = array



	// ENG [Folder for functions containing all events and plugins]   #   PL [Folder w którym sa wszystkie eventy i pluginy]
		'folder' 	=> 'first_instance',

	// ENG [Bot interval in seconds]  #  PL [Interwal bota w sekundach]
		'bot_interval' 	=> 1,

	// ENG ['events_plugins' or 'commands' (default 'events_plugins')]  #  PL ['events_plugins' lub 'commands' (domyślnie 'events_plugins')]
		'function_type' => 'events_plugins',

$config['instance']['1']['functions'] = array




	'plugins' => true,

	// ENG [Informing admins about upcoming meeting]    #    PL [Informowanie administracji o zbliżajacym się spotkaniu]
	'admins_meeting' => array
		'enabled' => false,
		'info' => array
			'admins_server_groups' => array(9,25,61,67),	//all admins server groups
			'channel_id' => 7,					//meeting channel id
			'channel_name' => '» Zebranie [x]', 	//[x] - meeting date (in format: hh:mm for example 18.02.2017 18:00) !important you must have channel with that name
			'information_before' => true, 				//informing admins `time_to_meeting` seconds before meeting
			'time_to_meeting' => 900, 				//in seconds
			'move_admins' => true,					//move admins to meeting channel on time

	// ENG [Nicknames security]    #    PL [Ochrona nicków]
	'nicks_security' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'ignored_groups' => array(20,13,123,53),	//ignored groups
		'file' => 'include/cache/nicks_security.txt',	//bad phrases separated by ,(comma) without spaces, enters etc
		'check_away_message' => true,
		'check_client_description' => true, // Can slow down instance
		'ban' => array
			'enabled' => true,		// true or false
			'min_kicks' => 3,		// ban after X kicks
			'ban_time' => 1 * 60,	// in seconds
			'cache_reset' => 120,	// in seconds

	// ENG [Server groups limit]    #    PL [Limit grup serwera]
	'groups_limit' => array
		'enabled' => false,
		'ignored_groups' => array(),	//ignored groups which will not be check
		'info' => array
				'1' => array 				    //growing number, for example 1, 2, 3...
					'checking_groups' => array(52,53,54,55,56),	//checking server groups
					'limit' => 1,					//limit of checking groups 
			'1' => array
				'checking_groups' => array(52,53,54,55,56),	//checking server groups
				'limit' => 1,					//limit of checking groups 
			'2' => array
				'checking_groups' => array(10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21),	//checking server groups
				'limit' => 2,					//limit of checking groups 

	// ENG [Move specified groups to channel from specified channel]  #  PL [Przenoszenie użytkowników z określoną grupą z kanału na kanał]
	'move_groups' => array
		'enabled' => false,
		'if_client_on_channel' => array(135), //All channels from which bot must move clients | Wszystkie kanały, z których bot ma movać
		'vip_channels_from_xbot' => array
			'enabled' => true,
			'is_on_channel' => 135,
			'ignored_groups' => array(),
		'info' => array

			0 => array	//growing number: 0,1,2 etc.
				'is_on_channel' => 50,	//form which channel bot must move people
				'move_to_channel' => 25,	//to which channel bot must move people
				'groups' => array(14,13),	//groups which will be checking

			0 => array
				'is_on_channel' => 135,
				'move_to_channel' => 98,
				'groups' => array(),
			1 => array
				'is_on_channel' => 135,
				'move_to_channel' => 115,
				'groups' => array(25,61),

	//  ENG [Animated icon]  #  PL [Animowana ikonka]
	'animated_icon' => array
		'enabled' => false,
		'info' => array
				id => array
					'type' => 'servergroup' OR 'cldbid' //If servergroup, id = sgid || if cldbid, id = client database id
					'icons' =>  array(-2072408170,968796862,1023685817,-1634246665,1726830382),
			44 => array
				'type' => 'servergroup',
				'icons' =>  array(-2072408170,968796862,1023685817,-1634246665,1726830382),
			15 => array
				'type' => 'cldbid',
				'icons' =>  array(-2072408170,968796862,1023685817,-1634246665,1726830382),


	     ENG [EVENTS]   #   PL [EVENTY]


	'events' => true,

	// ENG [Online users]  #  PL [Użytkownicy online]
	'online_users' => array
		'enabled' => false,
		'channel_id' => 8,
		'ignored_groups' => array(31,43),
		'channel_name' => '» Online: [ONLINE]', //[ONLINE] - online users
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 5),

	// ENG [Record amount of clients online]  #  PL [Rekordowa ilośc użytkowników online]
	'record_online' => array
		'enabled' => false,
		'channel_id' => 9,
		'channel_name' => '» Rekord Serwera: [RECORD]', //[RECORD] - record online users
		'show_history' => true,
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 20),

	// ENG [List of admins online]  #  PL [Lista adminów online]
	'admin_list_online' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'channel_id' => 57,
		'admins_server_groups' => array(20,13,14,15),
		'ignored_groups' => array(),
		'channel_name' => '╔═—● ✔ Sprawy do Administracji: ● [ONLINE]', 			//[ONLINE] - Admins online
		'top_description' => 'Lista Administracji online',
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 15),

	// ENG [Admin list]  #  PL [Lista adminów]
	'admin_list' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'min_idle_time' => 5*60,	//minimal client idle time to be away (in seconds)
		'admins_count' => true,		//enable admins count in description
		'info' => array
			9 => array	//channel id
				'admins_server_groups' => array(20,13,14,15,16,22,23),	
				'ignored_groups' => array(),
				'top_description' => '[img][/img]',
				'icons_enabled' => false,		//Convert rang name to icon
				'icons' => array

					group_id => 'url_to_image',


					415 => '',
					35 => '',
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 15),

	// ENG [Change channel name]  #  PL [Zmiana nazwy kanalu]
	'change_channel' => array
		'enabled' => true, 	
		'channel_id' => 174,
		'channel_name' => array
			'[cspacer]ᴅᴢɪęᴋᴜᴊᴇᴍʏ, żᴇ ᴊᴇsᴛᴇś ᴢ ɴᴀᴍɪ!',
			'[cspacer]ᴡɪᴛᴀᴍʏ ɴᴀ sᴇʀᴡᴇʀᴢᴇ MɪɴᴇS.ᴘʟ!',
			'[cspacer]ᴋᴏᴘʟᴀɴɪᴀ? ᴍɪɴʏ? -> MɪɴᴇS.ᴘʟ!',
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 20),

	// ENG [Multifunction]  #  PL [Wielofunkcyjnośc]
	'multi_function' => array
		'enabled' => false,
		'content' => array
			'total_ping' => array     // ENG [server total ping in channel name]  #  PL [ping serwera w nazwie kanalu]
				'enabled' => true,
				'channel_id' => 12,
				'channel_name' => '» Średni ping wynosi: [PING]', 		// [PING] = ping
				'integer' => true, 						// true or false (ping in integer)
			'packet_loss' => array    // ENG [server packet loss in channel name]  #  PL [packet loss serwera w nazwie kanalu]
				'enabled' => true,
				'channel_id' => 13,
				'channel_name' => '» Packetloss wynosi: [PACKETLOSS]%', 	// [PACKETLOSS] = packetloss
				'integer' => true, 						// true or false (packetloss in integer)
			'channels_count' => array // ENG [channels count in channel name]  #  PL [ilosc kanalów w nazwie kanalu]
				'enabled' => true,
				'channel_id' => 14,
				'channel_name' => '» Kanałów ogółem: [CHANNELS]', 	// [CHANNELS] = channels count
			'bytes_upload' => array // ENG [bytes upload on server in channel name]  #  PL [ilość danych wysłanych przez serwer]
				'enabled' => true,
				'channel_id' => 15,
				'channel_name' => '» Danych wysłanych: [UPLOAD]', 	// [UPLOAD] = bytes upload
			'bytes_download' => array // ENG [bytes download on server in channel name]  #  PL [ilość danych pobranych przez serwer]
				'enabled' => true,
				'channel_id' => 16,
				'channel_name' => '» Danych pobranych: [DOWNLOAD]', 	// [DWONLOAD] = bytes download
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 15),

	// ENG [Support channels]  #  PL [Kanały pomocy]
	'support_channels' => array
		'enabled' => false,
		'content' => array
			'time_open' => array		//Channels open at a specific time 
				'0' => array						                     // growing number for example 1, 2, 3...
					'channelId' => 0,				                     	// channel id				
					'time_open' => '09:00',				                     	// time of opening				
					'time_close' => '23:50',			                    	 // time of closing				
					'channel_name_open' => '[»] Centrum Pomocy XBot',	     // channel name when opened	
					'channel_name_close' => '[»] Centrum Pomocy XBot [OFF]',     // channel name when closed
					'needed_join_power' => 1500,						//when close
					'change_maxfamily_clients' => false,			             	// close family channels too		
				'1' => array						                     // growing number for example 1, 2, 3...
					'channelId' => 114,				                     	// channel id				
					'time_open' => '09:00',				                     	// time of opening				
					'time_close' => '23:50',			                    	 // time of closing				
					'channel_name_open' => '[»] Chcę zakupić usługę',	     // channel name when opened	
					'channel_name_close' => '[»] Chcę zakupić usługę [OFF]',     // channel name when closed
					'needed_join_power' => 1500,						//when close
					'change_maxfamily_clients' => false,			             	// close family channels too		
			'open_when_admin' => array	//Channels open when admin from server group is online

				#	open when admin from groups online: 'admin' => array(server_groups separated by comma),

				#	open when client online: 'admin' => client_database_id,


				'0' => array						                     // growing number for example 1, 2, 3...
					'channelId' => 0,				                     	// channel id				
					'admin' => 0,				
					'channel_name_open' => '» Centrum pomocy [ON]',	     // channel name when opened	
					'channel_name_close' => '» Centrum pomocy[OFF]',     // channel name when closed
					'needed_join_power' => 200,						//when close
					'change_maxfamily_clients' => false,			            	 // close family channels too		
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 10),

	// ENG [Get vip channel]  #  PL [Otrzymywanie kanału vip]
	'get_vip_channel' => array	// Db must be on
		'enabled' => false,
		'if_client_on_channel' => array(19,20), 		// all checking channels id

		//online_from_server_group function must be ON and get_server_group function must be ON
		'info' => array
			'VIP' => array	//Zone name for example 'VIP' | 'GOLD'
				'if_on_channel' => 19,
				'server_group_copy' => 55,			// server group to copy
				'channel_group_id' => 12,			// default channel admin group
				'subchannels' => 5,				// how many subchannels
				'subchannels_red' => true,		// true - max cleints = 0 | false - max clients = unlimited
				'online_from_server_group' => true,	// create channel with information about clients from server group
				'get_server_group' => true,		// create channel add/del server group
				'after_channel' => 171,			// the first channel for example spacer
				'join_needed' => 100,
				'spacer_between' => array
					'enabled' => true,
					'spacer_name' => '[*spacerVIP[NUM]]___',
					'join_needed' => 150,
					'modify_needed' => 100,
				'main_channel' => '[lspacer] [[NUM]] ViP',	// [NUM] - vip channel number	
				'empty_topic' => '#WOLNY',			// Topic in empty channel (remember it)	
			'Diamond' => array //Zone name for example 'VIP' | 'GOLD'
				'if_on_channel' => 20,
				'server_group_copy' => 57,			// server group to copy
				'channel_group_id' => 12,			// default channel admin group
				'subchannels' => 15,				// how many subchannels
				'subchannels_red' => true,		// true - max cleints = 0 | false - max clients = unlimited
				'online_from_server_group' => true,	// create channel with information about clients from server group
				'get_server_group' => true,		// create channel add/del server group
				'after_channel' => 96,			// the first channel for example spacer
				'join_needed' => 150,
				'spacer_between' => array
					'enabled' => true,
					'spacer_name' => '[*spacerDiamond[NUM]]---',
					'join_needed' => 100,
					'modify_needed' => 100,
				'main_channel' => '[lspacer] [[NUM]] Diamond',	// [NUM] - vip channel number	
				'empty_topic' => '#WOLNY_D',			// Topic in empty channel (remember it)
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 15),

	// ENG [Get vip channel spacer]  #  PL [Otrzymywanie kanału vip na spacerach]
	'get_vip_channel_spacer' => array	// Db must be on
		'enabled' => false,
		'if_client_on_channel' => array(21), 		// all checking channels id
		'create_interval' => 1000000,		// In miliseconds

		'info' => array
			'Premium' => array	//Zone name for example 'VIP' | 'GOLD'
				'if_on_channel' => 21,
				'server_group_copy' => 57,			// server group to copy
				'channel_group_id' => 12,			// default channel admin group
				'after_channel' => 82,			// the first channel for example spacer
				'online_from_server_group_name' => '[rspacer] [SERVER_GROUP]: [ONLINE]/[MAX]',	// [SERVER_GROUP] - group name, [ONLINE], 
				'spacers' => array
						'1' => array	// Growing number
							'spacer' => array
								'name' => '[cspacer] [[NUM]] Premium',	// [NUM] - vip channel number
								'spacer_red' => true, 					// true - max clients = 0 | false - max clients = unlimited
								'join_needed' => 10, 					// Join needed permission
								'subscribe_needed' => 0, 				// Subscribe needed permission
							'subchannels' => array
								'count' => 0,						// How many subchannels
								'name' => 'Podkanał [NUM]',			// [NUM] - subchannel number
								'subchannels_red' => true,			// true - max clients = 0 | false - max clients = unlimited
								'join_needed' => 0,					// Join needed permission
								'subscribe_needed' => 0, 			// Subscribe needed permission
						online_from_server_group function must be ON and get_server_group function must be ON
						add `'get_group_spacer' => true` if get group must be a spacer
						add `'online_group_spacer' => true` if online from group must be a spacer
						add `'get_group_subchannel' => true` if get group must be in the subchannel
						add `'online_group_subchannel' => true` if online from group must be in the subchannel
					'1' => array	// Main channel
						'spacer' => array
							'name' => '[cspacer] [[NUM]] Premium',	// [NUM] - vip channel number
							'spacer_red' => true, 					// true - max clients = 0 | false - max clients = unlimited
							'join_needed' => 10, 					// Join needed permission
							'subscribe_needed' => 0, 				// Subscribe needed permission
						'subchannels' => array
							'count' => 0,						// How many subchannels
							'name' => 'Podkanał [NUM]',			// [NUM] - subchannel number
							'subchannels_red' => true,			// true - max clients = 0 | false - max clients = unlimited
							'join_needed' => 0,					// Join needed permission
							'subscribe_needed' => 0, 			// Subscribe needed permission
					'2' => array	// Main channel
						'spacer' => array
							'name' => '[rspacer[NUM]] Online z:',	// [NUM] - vip channel number
							'spacer_red' => true, 					// true - max clients = 0 | false - max clients = unlimited
							'join_needed' => 10, 					// Join needed permission
							'subscribe_needed' => 0, 				// Subscribe needed permission
						'subchannels' => array
							'count' => 0,						// How many subchannels
							'name' => 'Podkanał [NUM]',			// [NUM] - subchannel number
							'subchannels_red' => true,			// true - max clients = 0 | false - max clients = unlimited
							'join_needed' => 0,					// Join needed permission
							'subscribe_needed' => 0, 			// Subscribe needed permission
						'online_group_spacer' => true,
					'3' => array	// Main channel
						'spacer' => array
							'name' => '[rspacer[NUM]] Nadaj grupe',	// [NUM] - vip channel number
							'spacer_red' => true, 					// true - max clients = 0 | false - max clients = unlimited
							'join_needed' => 10, 					// Join needed permission
							'subscribe_needed' => 0, 				// Subscribe needed permission
						'subchannels' => array
							'count' => 0,						// How many subchannels
							'name' => 'Podkanał [NUM]',			// [NUM] - subchannel number
							'subchannels_red' => true,			// true - max clients = 0 | false - max clients = unlimited
							'join_needed' => 0,					// Join needed permission
							'subscribe_needed' => 0, 			// Subscribe needed permission
						'get_group_spacer' => true,
					'4' => array
						'spacer' => array
							'name' => '[lspacerzarzad[NUM]]Zarząd',	// [NUM] - vip channel number
							'spacer_red' => true, 					// true - max clients = 0 | false - max clients = unlimited
							'join_needed' => 10, 					// Join needed permission
							'subscribe_needed' => 0, 				// Subscribe needed permission
						'subchannels' => array
							'count' => 3,						// How many subchannels
							'name' => 'Zarząd: [NUM]',			// [NUM] - subchannel number
							'subchannels_red' => true,			// true - max clients = 0 | false - max clients = unlimited
							'join_needed' => 20,					// Join needed permission
							'subscribe_needed' => 50, 			// Subscribe needed permission
					'5' => array
						'spacer' => array
							'name' => '[lspacerkanaly[NUM]]Kanały',	// [NUM] - vip channel number
							'spacer_red' => true, 					// true - max clients = 0 | false - max clients = unlimited
							'join_needed' => 10, 					// Join needed permission
							'subscribe_needed' => 30, 				// Subscribe needed permission
						'subchannels' => array
							'count' => 4,						// How many subchannels
							'name' => 'Kanał #[NUM]',			// [NUM] - subchannel number
							'subchannels_red' => false,			// true - max clients = 0 | false - max clients = unlimited
							'join_needed' => 0,					// Join needed permission
							'subscribe_needed' => 0, 			// Subscribe needed permission
				'spacer_between' => array
					'enabled' => true,
					'spacer_name' => '[*spacerPremium[NUM]]___',
					'join_needed' => 150,
					'modify_needed' => 100,
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 15),

	// ENG [Information on channel about twitch/youtube channel]  #  PL [Informacje o kanale twitch/youtube]
	'twitch_yt' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'info' => array
			'twitch_enabled' => false,
			'twitch_api_key' => 'oaocbf2zpmv6807kp9jcxkwmcjvq5a', // you can change it if you want
			'twitch' => array
				'izakooo' => array	//Twitch channel name
					'main_channel' => array		//Channel where will be description
						'channel_id' => 23,
						'channel_name' => '» [Twitch] izakooo [STATUS_TWITCH]',	//[STATUS_TWITCH] - on live or no
					'follows' => array 	//Channel where will be followers count in channel name
						'channel_id' => 464,
						'channel_name' => '» Followersów: [FOLLOWS]',	//[FOLLOWS] - FOLLOWS count
			'youtube_enabled' => true,
			'youtube_api_key' => 'AIzaSyAVO84BcN5ImcHIGTvkW8eB7B3bwlhWsuw',	// YouTube api key
			'youtube' => array
					'UC-suExuAUNgJmyKcxA-PGzg' => array		//YouTube channel id
						'main_channel' => array		//Channel where will be description and SUBS in channel name
							'channel_id' => 0,	//channel id
							'channel_name' => '[ YouTuber ] Ramzes: [SUBS] subów',	//[SUBS] - subscribers	//[NAME] - youtuber nick
						'videos_count' => array 	//Channel where will be Videos count in channel name
							'channel_id' => 0, //channel id
							'channel_name' => '» Filmów na kanale: [VIDEOS]',	//[VIDEOS] - videos count
						'views_count' => array 		//Channel where will be views count in channel name
							'channel_id' => 0, //channel id
							'channel_name' => '» Wyświetleń: [VIEWS]',		//[VIEWS] - views count

				'UCstFe8re8UZx_4tt1TcOjKw' => array		//YouTube channel 
					'main_channel' => array		//Channel where will be description and SUBS in channel name
						'channel_id' => 102,
						'channel_name' => '[YouTuber] [NAME]: [SUBS] subów',	//[SUBS] - subscribers	//[NAME] - youtuber nick
					'videos_count' => array 	//Channel where will be Videos count in channel name
						'channel_id' => 177,
						'channel_name' => '—»● Filmów na kanale: [VIDEOS]',	//[VIDEOS] - videos count
					'views_count' => array 		//Channel where will be views count in channel name
						'channel_id' => 178,
						'channel_name' => '—»● Wyświetleń: [VIEWS]',		//[VIEWS] - views count
			    'UCsEi884E_hOarwXcUlKsq4A' => array		//YouTube channel id
					'main_channel' => array		//Channel where will be description and SUBS in channel name
						'channel_id' => 2003,
						'channel_name' => '[YouTuber] [NAME]: [SUBS] subów',	//[SUBS] - subscribers	//[NAME] - youtuber nick
					'videos_count' => array 	//Channel where will be Videos count in channel name
						'channel_id' => 6783,
						'channel_name' => '—»● Filmów na kanale: [VIDEOS]',	//[VIDEOS] - videos count
					'views_count' => array 		//Channel where will be views count in channel name
						'channel_id' => 6784,
						'channel_name' => '—»● Wyświetleń: [VIEWS]',		//[VIEWS] - views count
				'UCYlKofB58UK8tjymLXjfrpA' => array		//YouTube channel id
					'main_channel' => array		//Channel where will be description and SUBS in channel name
						'channel_id' => 1883,
						'channel_name' => '[YouTuber] [NAME]: [SUBS] subów',	//[SUBS] - subscribers	//[NAME] - youtuber nick
					'videos_count' => array 	//Channel where will be Videos count in channel name
						'channel_id' => 9900,
						'channel_name' => '—»● Filmów na kanale: [VIDEOS]',	//[VIDEOS] - videos count
					'views_count' => array 		//Channel where will be views count in channel name
						'channel_id' => 9901,
						'channel_name' => '—»● Wyświetleń: [VIEWS]',		//[VIEWS] - views count
				'UC83n03rZQWg65935A1wQurQ' => array		//YouTube channel id
					'main_channel' => array		//Channel where will be description and SUBS in channel name
						'channel_id' => 1884,
						'channel_name' => '[YouTuber] [NAME]: [SUBS] subów',	//[SUBS] - subscribers	//[NAME] - youtuber nick
					'videos_count' => array 	//Channel where will be Videos count in channel name
						'channel_id' => 10101,
						'channel_name' => '—»● Filmów na kanale: [VIDEOS]',	//[VIDEOS] - videos count
					'views_count' => array 		//Channel where will be views count in channel name
						'channel_id' => 10104,
						'channel_name' => '—»● Wyświetleń: [VIEWS]',		//[VIEWS] - views count
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 10,'seconds' => 0),

	// ENG [clients online from server group]  #  PL [użytkownicy danej grupy serwera online]
	'online_from_server_group' => array
		'enabled' => false,
		'show_time' => true,		//only for groups which have maximal 15 members | true / false
		'max_users' => 30,			//max users in description
		'info' => array
			233 => array // Channel ID
				'server_groups' => array(10), // Server groups separated by comma
				'show_description' => true,	  // Show users in description
				'only_online' => true,		  // Show only online clients
				'channel_name' => '[rspacer]Online z [SERVER_GROUP]: [ONLINE]/[MAX]', // Channel name
				'top_description' => '| Lista osób z rangi: [SERVER_GROUP] |', // Top description
			168 => array
				'server_groups' => array(13,14),
				'show_description' => true,
				'only_online' => false,
				'channel_name' => '[rspacer]Online z [SERVER_GROUP]: [ONLINE]/[MAX]',
				'top_description' => '| Lista osób z rangi: [SERVER_GROUP] |',
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 10),

	// ENG [assign server group if client enters a channel]  #  PL [przypisz grupę serwera po wejściu na kanal]
	'get_server_group' => array
		'enabled' => false,
		'if_client_on_channel' => array(170),	//all checking channels id
		'delete_rang' => true, 	//delete rang if client is on channel
		'client_kick' => true, 	//Kick client from channel after assignment/deleted group | true / false
		'poke_client' => false,	//Poke client for example: You have just received clan group!
		'add_channel_group' => array //Only for channels from fucntion get_vip_channel and get_vip_channel_spacer
			'enabled' => true,
			'guest_channel_group' => 15, //default, guest channel group
			'zones' => array
				'zone_name' => 'channel_group', 
				'VIP' => 13,
				'Premium' => 16,
		'info' => array
			//21410 => 227,	//channel id => server group id
			170 => 13,
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 10),

	// ENG [Ddos information]  #  PL [Informacje o ddos]
	'ddos_information' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'file' => 'include/cache/ddos_information.txt',
		'packet_loss' => 10,		//from what packet loss%(numeric) send global information
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 30),
	// ENG [Informing about client in channel name]  #  PL [Status użytkownika w nazwie kanalu]
	'client_on_channel' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'server_groups_id' => array(20,13,14,15,16,22,23),	//all checking client's server groups
		'ignored_groups' => array(),
		'idle_time' => 1800,	//idle time to have away status (in seconds)
		'show_description' => true,		//show description on channels
		'status' => array
			'online' => 'online',
			'offline' => 'offline',
			'away' => 'away',
		'info' => array

				(you can copy this to use this function many times)
			10 => array   //client databse id => array	
				'channel_id' => 432,	//channel id	
				'format' => '[RANG] >> [NICK] >> [STATUS]',    //format on channel name [RANG] - server group name, [NICK] - client nick, [STATUS] - client status (online/away/offline)
				'fb' => '',		//If none set 0
				'email' => '',	//If none set 0


			2 => array		// client dbid => array WLASCICIEL xCraftRayX
				'channel_id' => 12,	//channel id
				'format' => '╠═—●  [RANG] ● [NICK]',		//format on channel name [RANG] - server group name, [NICK] - client nick, [STATUS] - client status (online/away/offline)
				'fb' => '',
				'email' => '',
			8 => array		// client dbid => array ADMIN GABEUUUUU
				'channel_id' => 15,	//channel id
				'format' => '╠═—●  [RANG] ● [NICK]',		//format on channel name [RANG] - server group name, [NICK] - client nick, [STATUS] - client status (online/away/offline)
				'fb' => '',
				'email' => '',
			14941 => array		// client dbid => array ADMIN GABEUUUUU
				'channel_id' => 10291,	//channel id
				'format' => '╠═—●  [RANG] ● [NICK]',		//format on channel name [RANG] - server group name, [NICK] - client nick, [STATUS] - client status (online/away/offline)
				'fb' => '',
				'email' => '',
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 15),
	// ENG [Status sinusbot]  #  PL [Status sinusbotów]
	'status_sinusbot' => array
		'enabled' => false,
		'channel_id' => 28,
		'bots_server_groups' => array(31),			
		'top_description' => '[img][/img]',
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 1,'seconds' => 0),

	// ENG [List of server queries online]  #  PL [Lista klientów server query online]
	'server_query_online' => array
		'enabled' => false,
		'channel_id' => 29,
		'channel_name' => '» Server Query online: [ONLINE]', 			//[ONLINE] - Server Query online
		'top_description' => '[img][/img]',
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 20),

	// ENG [Ban list]  #  PL [Lista banów]
	'ban_list' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'channel_id' => 179,
		'how_many' => 10,
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 5,'seconds' => 0),

	// ENG [Facebook posts]  #  PL [Posty z facebook'a]
	'facebook_posts' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'channel_id' => 180,
		'channel_name' => '[cspacer]·•● ғᴀɴᴘᴀɢᴇ (ʟɪᴋᴇs: [LIKES]) ●•·"',	//[LIKES] - likes count
		'page_id' => '362677374293231', //You can find it on website:
		'access_token' => '169466760229581|woT_lex7o1yQHSxkf8diqxFS65g', //To get access token:
		'posts' => 3,
		'link_to_fanpage' => '',
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 1,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 0),

	// ENG [Game servers' info]  #  PL [Informacje o serwerach gier]
	'servers_info' => array
		'enabled' => false,
		'info' => array
				0 => array
					'type' => 'server_type',
					'host' => 'ip:port', 			//for example 195.32.532.321:1045
					'channel_id' => channel_id(value),	//for exaple 45
					'channel_name' => 'channel_name(value)',

				server_type: 'cs16' - CS 1.6 server | 'csgo' - CS:GO server | 'minecraft' - Minecraft server
				All servers:

				vars in channel name: [NAME] - name of server | [CLIENTS_ONLINE] - online clients | [CLIENTS_MAX] - max clients | [MAP] - map in CS servers | [VERSION] - version in minecraft server

				For example:
				0 => array	growing number from 0	(0,1,2,3,4,5,itd)
					'type' => 'cs16',
					'host' => '',
					'channel_id' => 20922,
					'channel_name' => 'Online: [CLIENTS_ONLINE] | Mapa: [MAP]',
					'custom_server_name' => '0',	// Set 0 if none


			0 => array
				'type' => 'minecraft',
				'host' => '',
				'channel_id' => 33,
				'channel_name' => '» MC ([CLIENTS_ONLINE]/[CLIENTS_MAX])',
				'custom_server_name' => 'KRAINA MC',	// Set 0 if none
			1 => array
				'type' => 'cs16',
				'host' => '',
				'channel_id' => 34,
				'channel_name' => '» COD MOD ([CLIENTS_ONLINE]/[CLIENTS_MAX])',
				'custom_server_name' => '0',	// Set 0 if none
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 5,'seconds' => 0),

	// ENG [Users' country list]  #  PL [Lista krajów użytkowników]
	'country_list' => array
		'enabled' => false,
		'channel_id' => 35,
		'channel_name' => '» Osób online spoza Polski: [ONLINE]',	//[ONLINE] online clients outside the specified country
		'default_country' => 'PL',
		'top_description' => 'Lista osób ONLINE spoza Polski',
		'ignored_groups' => array(31,43),
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 2,'seconds' => 0),

	// ENG [Name_day in channel name]  #  PL [Imieniny w nazwie kanału]
	'name_day' => array
		'enabled' => false,
		'channel_id' => 36,
		'channel_name' => '» Imieniny: [NAME]',	//[NAME] - name
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 2,'seconds' => 0),

	// ENG [Partners]  #  PL [Partnerzy]
	'partners' => array
		'enabled' => false, 	
		'channel_id' => 129,
		'info' => array
			'[cspacer]' => "[center][img][/img][/center]",
			'[cspacer] Aplikacja XBot' => "[center][img][/img][hr][/center][center][size=15][b]Informacje[/b][/size][/center][hr]
[list][*][size=10][b]Witam, chciałbym Wam zaprezentować bota pod serwery TS3 - [url=ts3server://]XBota.[/url][/list][list][*][B]Jest on zautomatyzowaną aplikacją napisaną od zera przeze mnie ([U][I] RazorMeister [/I][/U]).  Posiada dużo pluginów, eventów i komend, które ułatwiają pracę zarówno administracji serwerów jak i ich użytkownikom. Więcej szczegółowych informacji dotyczących poszczególnych instancji jak i samych funkcji udzielę Na Ts3 IP: [url=ts3server://][/url][/B][/list][list][*][size=10][B]Forum: [/B][url=][B][XBOT] - Bot pod Twój serwer TeamSpeak3[/B][/url][/list][list][*][size=10][img][/img] [B]FB[/B]: [url=][B]XBOT[/B][/url][/list][list][*][size=10][img][/img] [B]Email[/B]: [][B][/B][/url]
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 1,'seconds' => 0),
	// ENG [Generate cache]  #  PL [Generuj plik cache]
	'generate_cache' => array
		'enabled' => false,
		'target_file' => '/var/www/html/panel_vip/cache/cache.txt',
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 5),

	// ENG [XBot info]  #  PL [Informacje od twórcy w opisie kanału]
	'xbot_info' => array	//Checking on the server every 15 minutes
		'enabled' => false, 	
		'channel_id' => 37,	
		'translate' => array
			'enabled' => false,
			'target_language' => 'en',	// Type language code
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 30),
	// ENG [Get YT channel]  #  PL [Otrzymywanie kanału YouTube]
	'get_yt_channel' => array	// Db must be on
		'enabled' => false,
		'if_client_on_channel' => array(38), 		// all checking channels id

		'if_on_channel' => 38,
		'channel_group_id' => 12,			// default channel admin group
		'subchannels' => 5,				// how many subchannels
		'subchannels_red' => true,		// true - max cleints = 0 | false - max clients = unlimited
		'videos_count' => true,			// create channel with information about videos count on yt channel
		'views_count' => true,			// create channel with information about views count on yt channel
		'after_channel' => 79,			// the first channel for example spacer
		'spacer_between' => array
			'enabled' => true,
			'spacer_name' => '[*spacerYT[NUM]]___',
			'join_needed' => 150,
			'modify_needed' => 100,
		'main_channel' => '[cspacer]■ [[NUM]] YT ■',	// [NUM] - vip channel number	
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 10,'seconds' => 0),
	// ENG [Away Group]  #  PL [Grupa away]
	'away_group' => array
		'enabled' => true, 	
		'server_group_copy' => 167,
		'min_idle_time' => 15*60,
		'ignored_groups' => array(123,53),
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 5),
	// ENG [Cache icons]  #  PL [Generuj ikonki do katalogu]
	'cache_icons' => array
		'enabled' => false, 	
		'icons_path' => '/var/www/html/server_icons/',
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 5,'seconds' => 0),

	// ENG [Weather in cities]  #  PL [Pogoda w miastach]
	'weather' => array
		'enabled' => false, 	
		'api_key' => '',  //You can find api on website:
		'info' =>  array
			39 => array
				'country_code' => 'PL', //country code	for example: Poland - PL
				'city' => 'Warszawa',	//without polish symbols
				'channel_name' => '» Pogoda - [CITY]',		//[CITY] - city name
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 5,'seconds' => 0),
	// ENG [Countdown]  #  PL [Odliczanie]
	'countdown' => array
		'enabled' => true, 	
		'time_settings' => array('days' => true, 'hours' => true, 'minutes' => true),
		'info' => array
				'0' => array	// Growing number: 0, 1, 2, etc
					'channel_id' => 5761,
					'channel_name' => 'Do wakacji [COUNT]',	//[COUNT] - time to/from date
					'date' => '22-06-2018 09:00',	// Format: dd-mm-YYYY GG:MM for example: 22-06-2018 09:00
					'count_type' => 'to_date',		// Count type: 'to_date' (for example time to next event), 'from_date' (for example time from server start)
			'0' => array
				'channel_id' => 10849,
				'channel_name' => '[cspacer][COUNT]',	//[COUNT] - time to/from date
				'date' => '19-06-2019 00:00',	// Format: dd-mm-YYYY GG:MM for example: 22-06-2018 09:00
				'count_type' => 'to_date',		// Count type: 'to_date' (for example time to next event), 'from_date' (for example time from server start)
//			'1' => array
//			(
//				'channel_id' => 42,
//				'channel_name' => '» Od [COUNT]',	//[COUNT] - time to/from date
//				'date' => '01-01-2018 09:00',	// Format: dd-mm-YYYY GG:MM for example: 22-06-2018 09:00
//				'count_type' => 'from_date',		// Count type: 'to_date' (for example time to next event), 'from_date' (for example time from server start)
//			),
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 1,'seconds' => 0),

$config['instance']['2']['logs_system'] = array

	 	      ENG [LOGS SYSTEM]       #       PL [SYSTEM LOGÓW]


	'logs' => array
		// ENG [Turn on/off logs system (true or false)]   #   PL [Wlaczenie lub wylaczenie systemu logów]
			'enabled' => true,  

		// ENG [Days, after which, log files will be deleted]   #   PL [Czas w dniach, po których pliki logów zostana usunięte]
			'delete_interval' => '3',

$config['instance']['2']['options'] = array



	// ENG [Folder for functions containing all events and plugins]   #   PL [Folder w którym sa wszystkie eventy i pluginy]
		'folder' 	=> 'second_instance',

	// ENG [Bot interval in seconds]  #  PL [Interwal bota w sekundach]
		'bot_interval' 	=> 1,

	// ENG ['events_plugins' or 'commands' (default 'events_plugins')]  #  PL ['events_plugins' lub 'commands' (domyślnie 'events_plugins')]
		'function_type' => 'events_plugins',

$config['instance']['2']['functions'] = array




	'plugins' => true,

	// ENG [Connect message]  #  PL [Wiadomośc polaczenia]
	'connect_message' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'file' => 'include/cache/connect_message.txt',	//file to connect message
		'many_messages' => true, 			//true if single line = one message || false for one message
		'to_groups' => array(-1),				//connect message to specified server_groups | set -1 to all server groups | set gorups_id separated by comma


		[CLIENT_IP] =  Client nickname
		[CLIENT_NICK] = Client nickname
		[CLIENT_COUNTRY] = Client country
		[CLIENT_DBID] = Client databse id
		[CLIENT_VERSION] = Client TS3 version
		[CLIENT_CONNECTIONS] = Client total connections
		[CLIENT_PLATFORM] = Client platform
		[CLIENT_TOTALCONNECTIONS] = Client total connections
		[CLIENT_LASTCONNECTED] = Client lastconnected
		[CLIENT_AWAY_MESSAGE] = Client away message
		[CLIENT_CREATED] = Client created
		[CLIENT_ON_SERVER_FOR] = Client is with server for ... for example 2 days and 1 minute

		[SERVER_MAX_CLIENTS] = Server max clients
		[SERVER_ONLINE] = Online users
		[SERVER_CHANNELS] = Channel number
		[SERVER_ID] = Virtual server id
		[SERVER_PORT] = Server port
		[SERVER_NAME] = Server name
		[SERVER_VERSION] = Server version
		[SERVER_VUI] = Server unique identifier
		[SERVER_WELCOME_MESSAGE] = Virtualserver welcomemessage
		[SERVER_PLATFORM] = Server platform
		[SERVER_HOSTMESSAGE] = Server hostmessage
		[SERVER_UPTIME] = Server uptime


	// ENG [Register groups assigner]  #  PL [Przypisywanie zarejestrowanych grup]
	'groups_assigner' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'if_client_on_channel' => array(183,184,185,186,187), 		//all checking channels id
		'register_groups' => array(30,31,32,33,34),				//all register groups
		'info' => array
			183 => 30,	//channel_id => server group id,
			184 => 31,
			185 => 32,
			186 => 33,
			187 => 34,
		//Minimal time on server to be registered [Db connect must be on]
		'min_time_on_server' => 3,	//in minutes

	// ENG [Assign afk group]  #  PL [Przypisz grupę afk]
	'afk_group' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'afk_group' => 167,		//afk group id
		'idle_time' => 10*60,		//in seconds 
		'set_group_if_away' => true, 	//set afk group if client has away status
		'set_group_if_muted'=> true,	//set afk group if client is muted
		'ignored_groups' => array(123,53),
		'ignored_channels' => array(1),

	// ENG [Move afk clients to channel]  #  PL [Przenieś użytkowników afk na kanal]
	'afk_move' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'channel_id' => 53,		//afk channel id
		'idle_time' => 20*60,		//in seconds 
		'move_if_away' => true, 	//move client if has away status
		'move_if_muted'=> false,	//move client if is muted
		'move_back' => true,		//if client no longer afk move him back (true or false)
		'message_type' => 'poke',	//poke | message | none
		'ignored_groups' => array(20,13,14,15,16,22,23,53,123),
		'ignored_channels' => array(1, 52),
		'kick_from_server' => array
			'enabled' => false,
			'min_idle_time' => 30*60,	//in seconds
			'msg' => 'Zbyt długi AFK!',	//Message in kick

	// ENG [Server groups security]     #    PL [Zabezpieczenie grup serwera]
	'groups_security' => array
		'enabled' => false,
		'info' => array
			/*'0' => array 				    //growing number, for example 1, 2, 3...
				'group_id' => 209,		    //group Id
				'ignored_dbid' => array(10,16,42),  //privilege client database id's
				'give_back' => true,		    //give the rank back for people in ignoredId
				'type' => 'nothing', 		    //`ban`, `kick`, `nothing` (just group delete and poke)
				'message' => '',		    //message to the client; if `ban` or `kick` it's the reason, if `nothing` it's a poke message
				'time' => 5, 			    //ban timeout
			), */

			'0' => array
				'group_id' => 9,					
				'ignored_dbid' => array(15),
				'give_back' => true,					
				'type' => 'ban', 					
				'message' => 'Nie mozesz miec rangi CEO!',		
				'time' => 9999999, 						
			'1' => array
				'group_id' => 25,					
				'ignored_dbid' => array(),
				'give_back' => true,					
				'type' => 'kick', 					
				'message' => 'Nie mozesz miec rangi Support!',	
				'time' => 5, 						
			'2' => array
				'group_id' => 61,					
				'ignored_dbid' => array(),
				'give_back' => true,					
				'type' => 'kick', 					
				'message' => 'Nie mozesz miec rangi TEST Support!',	
				'time' => 5, 						

	// ENG [Baning for having warning rangs]     #     PL [Ban za posiadanie X ostrzeżen]
	'warning_ban' => array
		'enabled' => false,
		'ban_time' => '1200', // in seconds
		'ban_message' => 'Za duzo ostrzezen!',
		'with_rang' => 212, // the last warning id, for example Warning #3 (if you have 3 warnings)
		'warning_id' => array
			212, // the last warning id, for example Warning #3 (if you have 3 warnings)

	// ENG [Block recording users]     #     PL [Blokowanie użytkowników za nagrywanie]
	'block_recording' => array
		'enabled' => false,
		'ignored_groups' => array(9),
		'type' => 'kick', 		    //`ban`, `kick`,
		'message' => 'Nie możesz nagrywać!',		    //message to the client; if `ban` or `kick` it's the reason
		'time' => 60, 			    //ban timeout


	// ENG [Anty VPN]  #  PL [Event przeciw VPN'om]
	'anty_vpn' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'X-Key' => 'MjgyOnlESTNMRUJLU2FidzlTcW05Ym5VSmtaVUIwZVlQZFNp', 	// You can change at website ``
		'ignored_groups' => array(13,20,34,53,123),
		'allowed_ips' => array(''),			//ignored ips in `'` for example: '' separated by comma. Your IP, where xbot is, is included.
		'type' => 'kick', 	//`poke`, `kick`, `ban`
		'ban_time' => '45', 	//in seconds
		'message_to_client' => "Wyłącz VPN'a ;)",


	     ENG [EVENTS]   #   PL [EVENTY]


	'events' => true,

	// ENG [Auto register]  #  PL [Auto rejestracja]
	'auto_register' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'ignored_groups' => array(8,53,123,167),
		'register_group' => 61,				//register group
		//Minimal time on server to be registered [Db connect must be on]
		'min_time_on_server' => 2880,	//in minutes
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 5,'seconds' => 0),

	// ENG [Advertisement message]  #  PL [Reklama]
	'advertisement_message' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'type' => 'chat',		//'chat' - global chat | 'pw' - pw to all users | 'poke' - poke to all users
		'advertisements' => array

			'Zapraszamy do rejestracji!',
			'Wiadmość testowa XBot',


			'[b]Dodaj nasz serwer do zakładek: [url=ts3server://][COLOR=#ff0000]Kliknij Tutaj i Dodaj![/COLOR][/url][/b]',
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 10,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 0),

	// ENG [Time and date]  #  PL [Data i godzina]
	'clock_date' => array
		'enabled' => false,
		'content' => array
			'clock' => array //clock in channel name
				'enabled' => true,
				'channel_id' => 45,
				'channel_name' => '» Godzina : [CLOCK]', 		// [CLOCK] = clock
				'format' => 'G:i', 					// format G: hours, i: minutes, s: seconds
			'date' => array //date in channel name
				'enabled' => true,
				'channel_id' => 46,
				'channel_name' => '» Data: [DATE]', 		// [DATE] = date
				'format' => 'd-m-Y', 					// format m: month numeric, M: month in words, d: day numeric, D: day in words, Y: year
			'date_and_clock' => array
				'enabled' => true,
				'channel_id' => 47,
				'channel_name' => '» Dzisiaj jest : [DATE&CLOCK]', 		// [DATE&CLOCK] = date & clock
				'format' => 'd-m-Y G:i', 					// format m: month numeric, M: month in words, d: day numeric, D: day in words, Y: year, G: hours, i: minutes, s: seconds
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 60),

	// ENG [Change server name]  #  PL [Zmiana nazwy serwera]
	'change_server_name' => array

		m: month numeric, 
		M: month in words, 
		d: day numeric, 
		D: day in words, 
		Y: year, 
		G: hours, 
		i: minutes, 
		s: seconds


		'enabled' => true,
		'ignored_groups' => array(62), //ignored groups, not included in online number
		'server_name' => '● ● Serwer głosowy ● Online: [ONLINE] ●', //[ONLINE] - online users, [MAX_CLIENTS] - max clients, [DATE] - format higher, [%] %online
		'format' => 'd-m-Y G:i',
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 5),
		'data' => '1970-01-01 00:00:00',  //Do not change

	// ENG [Client platform]  #  PL [Platforma klienta]
	'client_platform' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'ignored_groups' => array(0),

		'windows_enabled' => false,
		'windows_group' => 1044,

		'linux_enabled' => false,
		'linux_group' => 236,

		'android_enabled' => true,
		'android_group' => 32,
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 20),

	// ENG [Poke admins]  #  PL [Zaczepianie adminów]
	'poke_admins' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'if_client_on_channel' => array(57,77,83,2329,6981,323,340,344,494,259,260,2280,348,8500),		//all checking channels
		'ignored_groups' => array(),				//if admin has this group, bot will not poke him
		'ignored_group_if_on_channel' => array(20,13,14,15,16,22,23,123),	//if client has this group, bot will not poke admins
		'info' => array

			#	poking server groups: channel_id => array(server_groups separated by comma),

			#	poking client: channel_id => client_database_id,

            57 => array(13,14,15,20), //POMOC TS3
			77 => array(16), //EVENTOWIEC ZAPISY IDOL
			2329 => array(16), //EVENTOWIEC ZAPISY KRZESELKA
			6981 => array(16), //EVENTOWIEC ZAPISY ZGADNIJ CO TO
			340 => array(13,14,15), //SKLEP RAGNA VIP + KANAŁ
			344 => array(13,14,15), //SKLEP RANGA PREMIUM
			494 => array(13,14,15), //SKLEP REKLAMAN NA NASZYM TS3
			2280 => array(13,14,15), //REKRUTACJA Eventowiec
			259 => array(13,14,15), //REKRUTACJA JA
			260 => array(13,14,15), //REKRUTACJA GRAFIK
			348 => array(13,14,15), //REKRUTACJA WEB DEVELOPER
		'ignored_channels' => array(), 	//channels where bot doesn't poke admins
		'inform_admin_once' => true,		//Poke admin only one time
		'informing_about_channel' => true, 	//inform admin about the channel on which the user needs help
		'show_client_link' => true,		//show client link ([url])
		'kick_if_away' => true,			//kick client if is away (muted microphone/headphones)
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 2),
	// ENG [Generate banner]  #  PL [Generowanie baneru]
    'generate_banner' => array
        font - 'arial', 'calibri', 'inconsolata', 'tahoma'
        color - in RGB array(x, x, x) you can check colors on
        co-ordinates - array(size, rotation, x, y)     
        'enabled' => false,
        'admins_online' => array    //Liczba adminow online
            'enabled' => true,
            'admins_server_groups' => array(11,14,16,18,19,20,23), 
            'font' => 'calibri',
            'color' => array(255, 255, 255),
            'co-ordinates' => array(20,0,118,160),
        'clients_online' => array   //Klienci online
            'enabled' => true,
            'show_max_clients' => false,
            'font' => 'calibri',
            'color' => array(255, 255, 255),
            'co-ordinates' => array(20,0,118,235),
        'record_online' => array    //Rekord online
            'enabled' => true,
            'font' => 'calibri',
            'color' => array(255,255,255),
            'co-ordinates' => array(20,0,770,160),
        'clock' => array    //Zegar
            'enabled' => true,
            'font' => 'calibri',
            'color' => array(255, 255, 255),
            'co-ordinates' => array(20,0,110,80),
        'channels_count' => array   //Liczba kanałów
            'enabled' => false,
            'font' => 'calibri',
            'color' => array(255,255,255),
            'co-ordinates' => array(20,0,500,300),
        'name_day' => array //Imieniny
            'enabled' => true,
            'font' => 'calibri',
            'color' => array(255,255,255),
            'co-ordinates' => array(15,0,455,255),
        'fanpage_likes' => array //Like'i z fanpage'a
            'enabled' => true,
            'page_id' => '1719172075053504', //You can find it on website:
            'access_token' => '',
            'font' => 'calibri',
            'color' => array(255,255,255),
            'co-ordinates' => array(20,0,770,80),
        'uptime' => array   //Uptime
            'enabled' => false,
            'font' => 'calibri',
            'color' => array(255,255,255),
            'co-ordinates' => array(20,0,300,300),
        'date' => array //Data
            'enabled' => true,
            'font' => 'calibri',
            'format' => 'd.m.Y',
            'color' => array(255,255,255),
            'co-ordinates' => array(20,0,765,240),
        'image_file' => array('include/cache/banner.png', 'include/cache/banner1.png', 'include/cache/banner2.png', 'include/cache/banner3.png'),
        'target_image_file' => '/var/www/html/banner.png',
        'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 10),

	// ENG [Host message]  #  PL [Wiadomość hosta]
	'host_message' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 1,'seconds' => 30),

	// ENG [Live DJ]  #  PL [Nick DJ'a w nazwie kanału]
	'live_dj' => array
		'enabled' => false,
		'info' => array

			channel_id => 'nazwa_kanalu', //[DJ] - dj's nick

			48 => '» Obecny DJ: [DJ]',	//[DJ] - dj's nick
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 45),

	// ENG [Count users (registered/total)]  #  PL [Zliaczanie użytkowników (zarejestrowani/wszyscy)]
	'count_users' => array
		'enabled' => true,	//DB must be on
		'channel_id' => 188,
		'channel_name' => '[cspacer]ᴢᴀʀᴇᴊᴇsᴛʀᴏᴡᴀɴʏᴄʜ: [REG]/[TOTAL]', //[REG] - registered users | [TOTAL] - total users in Db
		'unregistered_group_id' => 8,
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 30),
	// ENG [Show client_info after join the channel]  #  PL [Pokaż informacje o kliencie po wejściu na kanał]
	'client_info' => array
		'enabled' => false,
		'if_client_on_channel' => array(50),
		'message' => '[color=purple][b]Witaj [u][CLIENT_NICK][/u]![/b]\n [color=blue][b][i]Poniżej przedstawimy Twoje dane:[/i][/b]\n[color=blue]IP: [CLIENT_IP]\n[color=blue]Client Database ID: [CLIENT_DBID]\n[color=blue]Wszystkich połączeń: [CLIENT_TOTALCONNECTIONS]\n[color=blue]Wersja klienta TS3: [CLIENT_VERSION]\n[color=blue]Pierwsze połączenie: [CLIENT_CREATED]\n[color=blue]Ostatnie połączenie: [CLIENT_LASTCONNECTED]\n[color=blue]Platforma: [CLIENT_PLATFORM]\n[color=blue]Kraj: [CLIENT_COUNTRY]',

		[CLIENT_IP] =  Client nickname
		[CLIENT_NICK] = Client nickname
		[CLIENT_COUNTRY] = Client country
		[CLIENT_DBID] = Client databse id
		[CLIENT_VERSION] = Client TS3 version
		[CLIENT_CONNECTIONS] = Client total connections
		[CLIENT_PLATFORM] = Client platform
		[CLIENT_TOTALCONNECTIONS] = Client total connections
		[CLIENT_LASTCONNECTED] = Client lastconnected
		[CLIENT_AWAY_MESSAGE] = Client away message
		[CLIENT_CREATED] = Client created
		[CLIENT_ON_SERVER_FOR] = Client is with server for ... for example 2 days and 1 minute


		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 5),

	// ENG [Event records in the channel descrition]  #  PL [Zapisywanie klientów na np. event w opisie kanału]
	'event_records' => array
		'enabled' => false,
		'if_client_on_channel' => array(52),
		'channel_id' => 51,
		'top_description' => 'Zapisy na event',	//Do not use [hr] in name!
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 5),
	// ENG [Check temporary channels' name]    #    PL [Sprawdzanie nazw kanałów tymczasowych]
	'check_tmp_channel' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'file' => 'include/cache/nicks_security.txt',	//bad phrases separated by ,(comma) without spaces, enters etc
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 5),
	// ENG [Check public zone]    #    PL [Sprawdzanie strefy kanałów publicznych]
	'check_public_zone' => array
		'enabled' => false,
		'info' => array
			'0' => array	// Growing number
				'channels_zone' => 142,
				'channel_name' => '» Kanał Publiczny #[NUM]',	//[Num] channel number
				'max_users' => 0,	// 0 = unlimited
				'mininum_channels' => 3,
				'maximum_channels' => 25,
				'icon_id' => 1655954911,
				'modify_power' => 85,			//channel needed modify power
				'desc' => '[hr][center][size=15][b][COLOR=red]♠[/COLOR]♠[/b][/size]\n\n[b][size=12][color=#0039ac]§ Kanały publiczne[/size]\n\n1. Zakaz nagrywania rozmów na kanałach publicznych bez zgody Użytkowników, które na nim przesiadują. Nie\ntyczy się to kanałów, które posiadają zgodę na nagrywanie w opisie.\n2. Kanały publiczne są podzielone na te z limitem Użytkowników oraz na takie, które tego limitu nie posiadają.\n3. Łamanie zasad regulamin na kanałach publicznych skutkuje interwencją Administratora i\nwyrzuceniem danego Użytkownika z kanału.\n4. Kanały publiczne są w głównie przeznaczone dla Użytkowników, które nie posiadają własnego kanału.[/b]\n[hr]Copyrights © [b][COLOR=red]Tyralnia[/COLOR].pl[/b] 2017',
			'1' => array	// Growing number
				'channels_zone' => 146,
				'channel_name' => '» Kanał Publiczny #[NUM]',	//[Num] channel number
				'max_users' => 2,	// 0 = unlimited
				'mininum_channels' => 3,
				'maximum_channels' => 25,
				'icon_id' => 2681873579,
				'modify_power' => 85,			//channel needed modify power
				'desc' => '[hr][center][size=15][b][COLOR=red]♠[/COLOR].pl♠[/b][/size]\n\n[b][size=12][color=#0039ac]§ Kanały publiczne[/size]\n\n1. Zakaz nagrywania rozmów na kanałach publicznych bez zgody Użytkowników, które na nim przesiadują. Nie\ntyczy się to kanałów, które posiadają zgodę na nagrywanie w opisie.\n2. Kanały publiczne są podzielone na te z limitem Użytkowników oraz na takie, które tego limitu nie posiadają.\n3. Łamanie zasad regulamin na kanałach publicznych skutkuje interwencją Administratora i\nwyrzuceniem danego Użytkownika z kanału.\n4. Kanały publiczne są w głównie przeznaczone dla Użytkowników, które nie posiadają własnego kanału.[/b]\n[hr]Copyrights © [b][COLOR=red]Tyralnia[/COLOR].pl[/b] 2017',
			'2' => array	// Growing number
				'channels_zone' => 151,
				'channel_name' => '» Kanał Publiczny #[NUM]',	//[Num] channel number
				'max_users' => 3,	// 0 = unlimited
				'mininum_channels' => 3,
				'maximum_channels' => 25,
				'icon_id' => 2457065219,
				'modify_power' => 85,			//channel needed modify power
				'desc' => '[hr][center][size=15][b][COLOR=red]♠[/COLOR]♠[/b][/size]\n\n[b][size=12][color=#0039ac]§ Kanały publiczne[/size]\n\n1. Zakaz nagrywania rozmów na kanałach publicznych bez zgody Użytkowników, które na nim przesiadują. Nie\ntyczy się to kanałów, które posiadają zgodę na nagrywanie w opisie.\n2. Kanały publiczne są podzielone na te z limitem Użytkowników oraz na takie, które tego limitu nie posiadają.\n3. Łamanie zasad regulamin na kanałach publicznych skutkuje interwencją Administratora i\nwyrzuceniem danego Użytkownika z kanału.\n4. Kanały publiczne są w głównie przeznaczone dla Użytkowników, które nie posiadają własnego kanału.[/b]\n[hr]Copyrights © [b][COLOR=red]Tyralnia[/COLOR].pl[/b] 2017',
			'3' => array	// Growing number
				'channels_zone' => 155,
				'channel_name' => '» Kanał Publiczny #[NUM]',	//[Num] channel number
				'max_users' => 4,	// 0 = unlimited
				'mininum_channels' => 3,
				'maximum_channels' => 25,
				'icon_id' => 1722569469,
				'modify_power' => 85,			//channel needed modify power
				'desc' => '[hr][center][size=15][b][COLOR=red]♠[/COLOR]♠[/b][/size]\n\n[b][size=12][color=#0039ac]§ Kanały publiczne[/size]\n\n1. Zakaz nagrywania rozmów na kanałach publicznych bez zgody Użytkowników, które na nim przesiadują. Nie\ntyczy się to kanałów, które posiadają zgodę na nagrywanie w opisie.\n2. Kanały publiczne są podzielone na te z limitem Użytkowników oraz na takie, które tego limitu nie posiadają.\n3. Łamanie zasad regulamin na kanałach publicznych skutkuje interwencją Administratora i\nwyrzuceniem danego Użytkownika z kanału.\n4. Kanały publiczne są w głównie przeznaczone dla Użytkowników, które nie posiadają własnego kanału.[/b]\n[hr]Copyrights © [b][COLOR=red]Tyralnia[/COLOR].pl[/b] 2017',
			'4' => array	// Growing number
				'channels_zone' => 159,
				'channel_name' => '» Kanał Publiczny #[NUM]',	//[Num] channel number
				'max_users' => 5,	// 0 = unlimited
				'mininum_channels' => 3,
				'maximum_channels' => 25,
				'icon_id' => 2194985460,
				'modify_power' => 85,			//channel needed modify power
				'desc' => '[hr][center][size=15][b][COLOR=red]♠[/COLOR]♠[/b][/size]\n\n[b][size=12][color=#0039ac]§ Kanały publiczne[/size]\n\n1. Zakaz nagrywania rozmów na kanałach publicznych bez zgody Użytkowników, które na nim przesiadują. Nie\ntyczy się to kanałów, które posiadają zgodę na nagrywanie w opisie.\n2. Kanały publiczne są podzielone na te z limitem Użytkowników oraz na takie, które tego limitu nie posiadają.\n3. Łamanie zasad regulamin na kanałach publicznych skutkuje interwencją Administratora i\nwyrzuceniem danego Użytkownika z kanału.\n4. Kanały publiczne są w głównie przeznaczone dla Użytkowników, które nie posiadają własnego kanału.[/b]\n[hr]Copyrights © [b][COLOR=red]Tyralnia[/COLOR].pl[/b] 2017',
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 5 ),

	// ENG [Clear clients ranks]    #    PL [Wyczyść rangi klienta]
	'clear_ranks' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'if_client_on_channel' => array(7517),	//all channels
		'info' => array

			channel_id => array(ranks_to_clear),

			7517 => array(320809,326243,326244,8017,7739,8025,152141,8036,320811,8043,8048,1267,45,7772,1341,193520,8053,267943,8056,8058,199643,8072,8084,8067,3375382,4616,4618,46,47,7895,23905,8060,152328,284368,7960,55020,7802,1117,1145,1158,7755,1125,8255,183522,1152,1166,1196,4614,7789,1180,7952,1176,1195,4598,1108,1151,1174,4612,386,404,406,407,408,49,409,410,48,411,412,419,420,421,422,413,414,427,428,51,388,389,390,391,50,392,393,394,395,396,397,398,399,400,401,402,375522,429168),
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 5),
	// ENG [Delete client permissions]    #    PL [Wyczyść pozwolenia klienta]
	'delete_client_permissions' => array
		'enabled' => false,
		'ignored_groups' => array(9),			//ignored server groups
		'ignored_dbids' => array(1),			//ignored database clients id
		'ignored_perms' => array('i_icon_id'),	//this perms won't be deleted
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 2),

	// ENG [Check clients on the same IP]    #    PL [Sprawdzanie użytkowników na tym samym ip]
	'check_ip' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'ignored_groups' => array(20,13),
		'max_users' => 4,		// Max users on the same ip
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 10),
	// ENG [Check urls in the channel description]    #    PL [Sprawdzanie linków w opisach kanałów]
	'check_description' => array
		'enabled' => false,
		// Allowed links are in the file: include/cache/allowed_links.txt
		'channels' => array(53),	// Type only parent channels
		'channel_info' => 565,		// Info about not allowed links on channels
		'check_vip_channels' => true,	// true or false
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 5),
	// ENG [Save channel edits logs in description]    #    PL [Zapisz logi edycji kanału w opisie]
	'channels_edits' => array
		'enabled' => false,
		'zones' => array
			channel_id => array(checking_channels),
			54 => array(55,56),
		'ignored_groups' => array(),
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 5),
	// ENG [Fill channels' description when is empty]    #    PL [Wpisz opis do pustych kanałów]
	'fill_empty_channels' => array
		'enabled' => false,
		'description' => "[hr][center][img][/img][/center][hr]\n\n[center][size=12][b]Serwer supportowy i testowy aplikacji XBot.[/b][/size][/center]\n[hr]",
		'needed_phrase' => "spacer",		// Channel need this phrase in name
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 1,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 0),

$config['instance']['3']['logs_system'] = array

	 	      ENG [LOGS SYSTEM]       #       PL [SYSTEM LOGÓW]


	'logs' => array
		// ENG [Turn on/off logs system (true or false)]   #   PL [Wlaczenie lub wylaczenie systemu logów]
			'enabled' => true,  

		// ENG [Days, after which, log files will be deleted]   #   PL [Czas w dniach, po których pliki logów zostana usunięte]
			'delete_interval' => '3',

$config['instance']['3']['options'] = array



	// ENG [Folder for functions containing all events and plugins]   #   PL [Folder w którym sa wszystkie eventy i pluginy]
		'folder' 	=> 'third_instance',

	// ENG [Bot interval in seconds]  #  PL [Interwal bota w sekundach]
		'bot_interval' 	=> 3,

	// ENG ['events_plugins' or 'commands' (default 'events_plugins')]  #  PL ['events_plugins' lub 'commands' (domyślnie 'events_plugins')]
		'function_type' => 'events_plugins',

$config['instance']['3']['functions'] = array


	'plugins' => false,


	     ENG [EVENTS]   #   PL [EVENTY]


	'events' => true,

	// ENG [New users daily]  #  PL [Nowi użytkownicy dzisiaj]
	'new_daily_users' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'channel_id' => 189,
		'with_rang' => 30,31,32,33,34,	//checking if client has one of these rangs 
		'channel_name' => '[cspacer]Nowi użytkownicy: [NEW]', //[NEW] - how many new users
		'top_description' => 'Nowi użytkownicy dzisiaj',
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 1,'seconds' => 0),
	// ENG [Visitors]  #  PL [Odwiedziny]
	'visitors' => array
		'enabled' => false,
		'channel_id' => 59,
		'channel_name' => '» Odwiedzin: [VISITORS]', //[VISITORS] - how many visitors
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 15),

	// ENG [Clients in your database]  #  PL [Użytkownicy w bazie danych]	
	'client_to_db' => array		//you need this event if you want to use these events -> (top_connections, top_connection_time, top_idle_time, top_time_spent, levels)
		'enabled' => true,
		'idle_time' => 15,       //5 * 60,	//idle time in seconds
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 10),

	// ENG [Top connections]  #  PL [Najwięcej polaczeń]
	'top_connections' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'channel_id' =>  190,
		'top_description' => '[img][/img]',
		'records' => 15,	//how many clients
		'ignored_groups' => array(123,53,34),
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 5,'seconds' => 0),

	// ENG [Top connection time]  #  PL [Najdluższe polaczenia]
	'top_connection_time' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'channel_id' => 192,
		'top_description' => '[img][/img]',
		'records' => 15,	//how many clients
		'ignored_groups' => array(123,53,34),
		'time_settings' => array('days' => true, 'hours' => true, 'minutes' => true),
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 4,'seconds' => 0),

	// ENG [Top client idle time]  #  PL [Najdluższy czas nieaktywności]
	'top_idle_time' => array
		'enabled' => false,
		'channel_id' => 74,
		'top_description' => '[img][/img]',
		'records' => 15,	//how many clients
		'ignored_groups' => array(31,43),
		'time_settings' => array('days' => true, 'hours' => true, 'minutes' => true),
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 4,'seconds' => 0),

	// ENG [Top time spent on server]  #  PL [Najdluższy czas na serwerze]
	'top_time_spent' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'channel_id' => 193,
		'show_afk_time' => true,
		'top_description' => '[img][/img]',
		'records' => 15,	//how many clients
		'ignored_groups' => array(123,53,34),
		'time_settings' => array('days' => true, 'hours' => true, 'minutes' => true),
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 4,'seconds' => 0),

	// ENG [Top week time spent on server]  #  PL [Ranking czasu spędzonego w danym tygodniu]
	'top_week_time' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'channel_id' => 7513,
		'show_afk_time' => true,
		'top_description' => '[img][/img]',
		'records' => 15,	//how many clients
		'ignored_groups' => array(123,53,34),
		'time_settings' => array('days' => true, 'hours' => true, 'minutes' => true),
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 4,'seconds' => 0),

	// ENG [Clients levels]  #  PL [Poziomy klientów]
	'levels' => array
		'enabled' => false,
		'ignored_groups' => array(),
		'info' => array
			40 => 4,	//lvl group sgid => hours spent on server on which the rang will be given
			41 => 5,
			42 => 6,
			43 => 7,
			44 => 8,
			45 => 9,
			46 => 10,
			47 => 11,
			48 => 12,
			49 => 13,
		'all_levels_groups' => array(40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49),
		'top_description' => '[img][/img]',
		'records' => 10,
		'channel_id' => 75,
		'info_to_client' => 'pw',	//Info to client | 'poke' / 'pw' / 'none'
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 5),

	// ENG [Random group]  #  PL [Losowe grupy]
	'random_group' => array
		'enabled' => false,
		'must_have_group' => array(10,28),
		'ignored_groups' => array(31,43,9,25,61,67,30,81),
		'random_groups' => array(30),
		'time' => '1',	//in days	
		'records' => 15,
		'channel_id' => 66,
		'channel_name' => '» Randomowe grupy',	//[USER] - last winner's nickname		
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 4,'seconds' => 0),
	// ENG [Statistics of admins]  #  PL [Statystyki administratorów]
	'statistics_of_admins' => array
		'enabled' => false,
		'admins_groups' => array(9,25,61,67),
		'max_idle_time' => 300, //in seconds
		'register' => array(10,28),
		'support_channels' => array(113,114),
		'ignored_groups' => array(),	//groups will not be counted to helped people
		'ignored_channels' => array(),	//channels where admins will not be check
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 5), //Default: 5 seconds

	// ENG [Write statistics of admins]  #  PL [Wypisz statystyki adminów]
	'write_statistics' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'admins_groups' => array(20,13,14,15,16),	//Admins groups to write on the channel description

		'groups' => array
			'top_description' => '[size=14][b]Statystyki administracji[/b][/size][size=13][b]\nNadane grupy[/b][/size]',
			'channelid' => 2,
		'timespent' => array
			'top_description' => '[size=14][b]Statystyki administracji[/b][/size][size=13][b]\nSpędzony czas[/b][/size]',
			'channelid' => 196,
		'help_center' => array
			'top_description' => '[size=14][b]Statystyki administracji[/b][/size][size=13][b]\nCentrum pomocy[/b][/size]',
			'channelid' => 309,

		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 1,'seconds' => 0),
	// ENG [Actions logs in the channel description]  #  PL [Akcje serwera/bota w opisie kanału]
	'actions_logs' => array
		'enabled' => true, 	
		'channel_id' => 197,
		'top_description' => 'Akcje Na Serwerze',
		'records' => 30,
		'show_id' => true,	// Show action id
		'info' => array
				'function_name' => true/false,	//enable if you want to see logs from this function
			//Instance I
			'get_vip_channel' => true,
			'get_yt_channel' => true,
			'nicks_security' => true,
			//Instance II
			'groups_assigner' => true,
			'auto_register' => true,
			'block_recording' => true,
			'anty_vpn' => true,
			'poke_admins' => true,
			//Instance III
			'levels' => false,
			'random_group' => true,
			//Instance IV
			'get_private_channel' => true,
			'channels_guard' => true,
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 15),
	// ENG [Server achievements]  #  PL [Osiągnięcia]
	'achievements' => array
		'enabled' => true, 	
		'ignored_groups' => array(167, 53, 123, 8),
		'header_group' => 408764,
		'footer_group' => 408784,
		'info' => array
			'connections' => array
				'enabled' => true,
				'header_group' => 408772,
				'groups' => array
					group_sgid => required_connections,
					408765 => 50,
					408766 => 100,
					408767 => 200,
					408768 => 500,
					408769 => 1000,
					408770 => 1500,
					408771 => 2500,
			'time_spent' => array
				'enabled' => true,
				'header_group' => 408773,
				'groups' => array
					group_sgid => required_time_spent,
					408757 =>      1 * 60 * 60,
					408758 =>      24 * 60 * 60,
					408759 =>      48 * 60 * 60,
					408761 =>  7 * 24 * 60 * 60,
					408762 => 14 * 24 * 60 * 60,
					408763 => 30 * 24 * 60 * 60,
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 1,'seconds' => 0),

$config['instance']['4']['logs_system'] = array

	 	       ENG [LOGS SYSTEM]       #       PL [SYSTEM LOGĂ“W]


	'logs' => array
		// ENG [Turn on/off logs system (true or false)]   #   PL [Wlaczenie lub wylaczenie systemu logów]

			'enabled' => true,  

		// ENG [Days, after which, log files will be deleted]   #   PL [Czas w dniach, po których pliki logów zostana usunięte]

			'delete_interval' => '3',

$config['instance']['4']['options'] = array



	// ENG [Folder for functions containing all events and plugins]   #   PL [Folder w którym sa wszystkie eventy i pluginy]
		'folder' 	=> 'fourth_instance',

	// ENG [Bot interval in seconds]  #  PL [Interwal bota w sekundach]
		'bot_interval' 	=> 3,

	// ENG ['events_plugins' or 'commands' (default 'events_plugins')]  #  PL ['events_plugins' lub 'commands' (domyślnie 'events_plugins')]
		'function_type' => 'events_plugins',

$config['instance']['4']['functions'] = array



	'plugins' => false,


	     ENG [EVENTS]   #   PL [EVENTY]


	'events' => true,

	// ENG [Channels guard]  #  PL [Strażnik kanalów]
	'channels_guard' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'settings' => [
			'channel_section' => 199,
			'free_channel_name' => '[number]. Prywatny Kanał - [#WOLNY]',
			'free_channel_description' => '[center] [size=15] Kanał [number] [COLOR=#00a650]wolny[/COLOR]! [/size]',
			'free_channel_topic' => '#WOLNY',

			'default_channel_group' => 8,
			'head_channel_admin_group' => 5,

			'minimum_free_channel' => 2, //ilośc kanałów która ma byc wolna
			'time' => [
				'delete' => 14, //po ilu dniach ma usunąć kanał ( całkowicie )
				'to_delete' => 7, // po ilu dniach ma ustawić kanał na czerwony
				'to_trash' => 5, // po ilu dniach ma dodac przedrostek kosz

			'bad_name' => [
				'enabled' => true,
				'file' => 'include/cache/nicks_security.txt',

		'reservation' => [
			'enabled' => false,
			'reservation_name' => '[number]. Kanał zarezerwowany',
			'reservation_description' => '[center][size=12]Numer Kanału [b][number][/b].\n\n Ten kanał jest [color=green][b]Zarezerwowany[/b][/color][/size][/center]',
			'reservation_tag' => '#rezerwacja',
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 30),

	// ENG [Get private channel]  #  PL [Otrzymanie prywatnego kanalu]
	'get_private_channel' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'if_client_on_channel' => array(198),		//channel id
		'sub_channels' => 3,				//how many sub channels
		'head_channel_admin_group' => 5,		//main head channel admin group id
		'needed_server_group' => array(30,31,32,33),		//needed server group (you need one of them to get a private channel)
		'message_type' => 'poke',			//message type (poke or message)
		'empty_channel_topic' => '#WOLNY',		//topic in empty channels
		'channels_zone' => 199,			//parent channel id
		'icon_id' => 238868207,
		'subchannel_icon_id' => 238868207,
		'needed_modify_power' => 65,	//needed modify power on main channel
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 5),

	// ENG [Empty channels' numbers in channel description]  #  PL [Numery wolnych kanalów w opisie kanalu]
	'empty_channels' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'channel_id' => 199,				//channel id
		'empty_channel_topic' => '#WOLNY',		//topic in empty channels
		'channels_zone' => 199,			//parent channel id
		'time_interval_delete' => 14,			//days after which the channel will be deleted
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 5,'seconds' => 0),

	// ENG [Number of private channels in channel name]  #  PL [Ilość prywatnych kanalów w nazwie kanalu]
	'private_channels_info' => array
		'enabled' => true,				
		'empty_channel_topic' => '#WOLNY',		//topic in empty channels
		'channels_zone' => 199,			//parent channel id
		'total' => array
			'enabled' => false,
			'channel_id' => 22192,
			'channel_name' => 'Kanalow prywatnych: [NUM]',		//[NUM] - number of channels
		'taken' => array
			'enabled' => false,
			'channel_id' => 200,
			'channel_name' => '[cspacer]Zajętych kanałów: [NUM]',			//[NUM] - number of taken channels
		'empty' => array
			'enabled' => true,
			'channel_id' => 199,
			'channel_name' => '[cspacer]•«—ʟɪᴄᴢʙᴀ ᴡᴏʟɴʏᴄʜ ᴋᴀɴᴀłóᴡ: —»• [NUM]',			//[NUM] - number of empty channels
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 1,'seconds' => 0),

$config['instance']['5']['logs_system'] = array

	 	       ENG [LOGS SYSTEM]       #       PL [SYSTEM LOGĂ“W]


	'logs' => array
		// ENG [Turn on/off logs system (true or false)]   #   PL [Wlaczenie lub wylaczenie systemu logów]
			'enabled' => true,  

		// ENG [Days, after which, log files will be deleted]   #   PL [Czas w dniach, po których pliki logów zostana usunięte]
			'delete_interval' => '3',

$config['instance']['5']['options'] = array



	// ENG [Folder for functions containing all events and plugins]   #   PL [Folder w którym sa wszystkie eventy i pluginy]
		'folder' 	=> 'fifth_instance',

	// ENG [Bot interval in miliseconds]  #  PL [Interwal bota w milisekundach]
		'bot_interval' 	=> 100,		//1000 = one second

	// ENG ['events_plugins' or 'commands' (default 'commands')]  #  PL ['events_plugins' lub 'commands' (domyślnie 'commands')]
		'function_type' => 'commands',
	// ENG [Channel id for commands list]  #  PL [Id kanału do spisu komend]
		'commands_list' => 349,

$config['instance']['5']['commands'] = array

	  ENG [COMMANDS]       #       PL [KOMENDY]


		[sgid] - server group id
		[message] - text message 
		[instance_id] - Xbot instance id

	// ENG [Usage: !help]
	'help' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'privileged_groups' => array(0),	// 0 - all groups
	// ENG [Usage: !pwall-[message]]
	'pwall' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'privileged_groups' => array(20),	// 0 - all groups

	// ENG [Usage: !pokeall-[message]]
	'pokeall' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'privileged_groups' => array(20),	// 0 - all groups

	// ENG [Usage: !pwgroup-[sgid]-[message]]
	'pwgroup' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'privileged_groups' => array(20),	// 0 - all groups

	// ENG [Usage: !pokegroup-[sgid]-[message]]
	'pokegroup' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'privileged_groups' => array(20),	// 0 - all groups

	// ENG [Usage: !meeting]
	'meeting' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'privileged_groups' => array(20),	// 0 - all groups
		'admins_server_groups' => array(20,13,14,15,16,22,23),
		'meeting_channel_id' => 11,

	// ENG [Usage: !clients]
	'clients' => array	//clients list
		'enabled' => true,
		'privileged_groups' => array(0),	// 0 - all groups

	// ENG [Usage: !channels]
	'channels' => array	//channels list
		'enabled' => true,
		'privileged_groups' => array(0),	// 0 - all groups

	// ENG [Usage: !bot-[instance_id]] [Function is restarting Xbot's instance]
	'bot' => array	//bot management (` run` must be ON)	
		'enabled' => true,
		'privileged_groups' => array(0),	// 0 - all groups

	// ENG [Usage: !ch-[client_dbid]-[subchannels]]
	'ch' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'privileged_groups' => array(20,13,14,15),		// 0 - all groups
		'head_channel_admin_group' => 5,		//main head channel admin group id
		'message_type' => 'poke',			//message type (poke or message)
		'empty_channel_topic' => '#WOLNY',		//topic in empty channels
		'channels_zone' => 199,			//parent channel id

	// ENG [Usage: !mute-[client_dbid]-[time_in_seconds]]
	'mute' => array		//give user specified group on specified time in seconds
		'enabled' => true,
		'privileged_groups' => array(20,13,14,15),		// 0 - all groups
		'give_group' => 68,

	// ENG [Usage: !admin-[client_dbid]]	|| Database must be connect with
	'admin' => array		//show information about specified admin
		'enabled' => true,
		'privileged_groups' => array(20),		// 0 - all groups
		'admins_groups' => array(20,13,14,15,16,22,23),	//all admins groups

	// ENG [Usage: !tpclient-[client_nick]]
	'tpclient' => array		//moving to specified client
		'enabled' => true,
		'privileged_groups' => array(20,13,14,15),		// 0 - all groups

	// ENG [Usage: !tpchannel-[channel_name]]
	'tpchannel' => array		//moving to specified channel
		'enabled' => true,
		'privileged_groups' => array(20,13,14,15),		// 0 - all groups
	// ENG [Usage: !gsecurity-[type]-[client_dbid]-[group_id]	type=add or type=del
	'gsecurity' => array		//adding/del user to groups security function
		'enabled' => false,
		'privileged_groups' => array(20),		// 0 - all groups
		'admins_groups' => array(6,35,168),			//all admins groups checking in groups_security event
	// ENG [Usage: !clientinfo-[client_dbid]]	|| Database must be connect with
	'clientinfo' => array		//show information about specified client
		'enabled' => true,
		'privileged_groups' => array(20,13,14,15,16,22,23),		// 0 - all groups

$config['instance']['6']['logs_system'] = array

	 	       ENG [LOGS SYSTEM]       #       PL [SYSTEM LOGĂ“W]


	'logs' => array
		// ENG [Turn on/off logs system (true or false)]   #   PL [Wlaczenie lub wylaczenie systemu logów]
			'enabled' => true,  

		// ENG [Days, after which, log files will be deleted]   #   PL [Czas w dniach, po których pliki logów zostana usunięte]
			'delete_interval' => '3',

$config['instance']['6']['options'] = array



	// ENG [Folder for functions containing all events and plugins]   #   PL [Folder w którym sa wszystkie eventy i pluginy]
		'folder' 	=> 'sixth_instance',

	// ENG [Bot interval in miliseconds]  #  PL [Interwal bota w milisekundach]
		'bot_interval' 	=> 100,		//1000 = one second

	// ENG ['events_plugins' or 'commands' (default 'live_help')]  #  PL ['events_plugins' lub 'commands' (domyślnie 'live_help')]
		'function_type' => 'live_help', // Do not change

$config['instance']['6']['functions'] = array



	'plugins' => false,


	     ENG [EVENTS]   #   PL [EVENTY]


	'events' => true,

	// ENG [Live Help]  #  PL [Live Help]
	'live_help' => array
		'enabled' => true,
		'support_channel_id' => 57,
		'ignored_groups' => array(2,13,14,15,123),
		'commands_enabled' => true,

		//if not registered commands !m, !k
		'registration_groups' => array
			'enabled' => true,
			'min_time' => 3,	//in minutes (DB must be on)
			'man' => array
				'sgid' => 30,
				//command - !m
			'woman' => array
				'sgid' => 31,
				//commdn - !k

		//!list, !add, !del
		'server_groups' => array
			'enabled' => true,
			'info' => array
					'1' => array 				    //growing number, for example 1, 2, 3...
						'server_groups' => array(52,53,54,55,56),	//server groups
						'limit' => 1,					//limit of checking groups
						'name' => 'Grupy wiekowe',
				'1' => array
					'server_groups' => array(386,404,406,407,408,49,409,410,48,411,412,419,420,421,422,413,414,427,428),	//checking server groups
					'limit' => 1,
					'name' => 'Wiekowe',
				'2' => array
					'server_groups' => array(51,388,389,390,391,50,392,393,394,395,396,397,398,399,400,401,402),	//server groups
					'limit' => 1,
					'name' => 'Województwa',
				'3' => array
					'server_groups' => array(46,47,7895,23905,8060,152328,284368,7960,55020,7802,1117,1145,1158,7755,1125,8255,183522,1152,1166,1196,4614,7789,1180,7952,1176,1195,375522,4598,1108,1151,1174,4612),	//server groups
					'limit' => 5,					//limit of checking groups 
					'name' => '4-Fun',
				'4' => array
					'server_groups' => array(320809,326243,326244,8017,7739,8025,152141,8036,8048,1267,45,7772,1341,193520,8053,267943,8056,8058,199643,8072,8084,8067,375382,4616,4618),	//server groups
					'limit' => 5,					//limit of checking groups 
					'name' => 'Gry Online',

		'faq' => array
			'enabled' => true,
			'info' => "1. Dlaczego prawie nic nie mogę zrobić? - Najprawdopodobniej nie jesteś jeszcze zarejestrowany/a\n2.Jak się zarejestrować? - Wystarczy wejść na specjalny kanał w strefie pomocy w kategorii 'Samoobsługa' i spełniać wymagania dot. czasu online na naszym serwerze TS3.\n3. Jak zdobyć rangi 4-Fun, wiekowe lub podobne?\nNależy wejść w strefie pomocy w kategorii 'Centrum pomocy' na kanał Sprawy do Administracji. Następnie powinien napisać do ciebie bot, który poinformuje cię o komendach dotyczących nadawania sobie rang.\n4. Jak zdobyć kanał prywatny? - Należy w strefie pomocy w kategorii 'Samoobsługa' wejść na kanał o nazwie 'Chcę - Kanał prywatny'\n5. Jak kupić dowolną usługę na TS3? Wystarczy wejść na odpowiedni kanał w strefie pomocy i poczekać na administrację.",

		'client_info' => array
			'enabled' => true,

		'poke_admins' => array
			'enabled' => true,
			'ignored_groups' => array(20),
			'ignored_channels' => array(), 	//channels where bot doesn't poke admins
			'show_client_link' => false,		//show client link ([url])
			'with_command' => array
				'enabled' => false,
				'commands' => array
					'admin' => array
						'description' => 'aby uzykać pomoc',
						'admins_groups' => array(9),
					'groups' => array
						'description' => 'aby zmienić grupy',
						'admins_groups' => array(9),
			'admins_groups' => array(20,13,14,15), 	//all admins groups
			'poke_once' => true,			//send one poke to admin (true) or more (false)
			'poking_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 5),	//Only if poke_once = true

		'get_private_channel' => array
			'enabled' => true,
			'sub_channels' => 3,				//how many sub channels
			'head_channel_admin_group' => 5,		//main head channel admin group id
			'message_type' => 'poke',			//message type (poke or message)
			'empty_channel_topic' => '#WOLNY',		//topic in empty channels
			'channels_zone' => 199,			//parent channel id
			'sb_delay' => 8,

		//`talking` sinusbot
		'sinusbot' => array
			'enabled' => true,
			'host' => 'http://tak:8088',
			'login' => 'tttot',
			'password' => 'txb1',
			'instance_uid' => '8c837c4c5-c01e-4bd0-8fa6-96be8166b9c7',
			'playlist_id' => 'c9faa343cc-4fc9-41f1-803d-1b088b55f24a',
			'bot_nick' => 'Live Help',
			'queue_in_nick' => true,		//Show in nick number of people in queue
			'type' => 1,

		'read_chat' => 1,	//in seconds Default 1
		'time_interval' => array('weeks' => 0,'days' => 0,'hours' => 0,'minutes' => 0,'seconds' => 0), //Default: 0 seconds

Raw Text