
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
//#include <avr/io.h>

#define RINGZ 16
uint8_t ring[RINGZ];
uint8_t head, tail;

uint8_t ring_push(uint8_t c)
{   if( (head==tail) || 		// empty
        ((head+1)&RINGZ)!=tail )	// chasing tail
    {	ring[head]= c;
        head++;		// advance head
        head&= RINGZ;	// wrap as required
printf("push %hhd\thead=%hhd\n", c, head );
        return c;
printf("BAD push: h(%hhd) t(%hhd)\n", head, tail);
    return 0xFF-c;	// this would be "FULL"

uint8_t ring_pull()
{   if( tail!=head )	// !empty
    { uint8_t c;
        c= ring[tail];
        tail&= RINGZ;
printf("pull %hhd\thead=%hhd\n", c, tail );
        return c;
printf("BAD pull: h(%hhd) t(%hhd)\n", head, tail);
    return -1;

#if 0
    // Read and echo to host...
    UDR0= ring_push(UDR0);

int main()
{ int i, j;

    for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
    {	for(j=i*10; j<(i*10)+10; j++)
            printf("%d:\t",j), ring_push(j);
        for(j=0; j<6; j++)
            printf("%d:\t",j), ring_pull();
    return 0;

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