
// Variables that are used on both client and server
SWEP.Category				= "Tutorial Weapon"
SWEP.Author					= "You! :D"
SWEP.Contact				= "Comment on the video, or add me on steam \n(My username is: dragon5876)"
SWEP.Purpose				= "Are you learning?"
SWEP.Instructions			= "blargblargblarg \nbdkehredu" -- \n Is used to create a new line, this is useful for providing information
SWEP.MuzzleAttachment		= "1" 		-- Should be "1" for CSS models or "muzzle" for hl2 models (You don't really need to worry about this)
SWEP.ShellEjectAttachment	= "2" 		-- Should be "2" for CSS models or "1" for hl2 models (You don't really need to worry about this)
SWEP.DrawCrosshair			= false		-- You should know what this does. It's all about preference.

SWEP.ViewModelFOV			= 60 		-- This variable depicts how "zoomed" you want the weapon to be, (Less is more!)
SWEP.ViewModelFlip			= true		-- If the weapon is left handed, switch this to false
SWEP.ViewModel				= "models/weapons/v_.mdl"		-- The view model (first person), usually uses v_
SWEP.WorldModel				= "models/weapons/w_.mdl"				-- The world model (third person), usually uses w_
SWEP.Base 					= "gdcw_base_pistol"		-- Sets the base for the weapon (Do not use this file for other bases, use a file from a weapon that was already using that base!)
SWEP.Spawnable				= true		-- Can regular players spawn this?
SWEP.AdminSpawnable			= true		-- Can admins spawn this? (If you want it to be admin only, leave this true, and set SWEP.Spawnable to false)

SWEP.Primary.Sound			= Sound(".Single")	-- The fire sound. For this, use the name you put in the script file for the shooting sound!
SWEP.Primary.Round			= ("gdcwa_9x19_350")	-- The round that will be fired (If you have GDCW from the SVN, look in the lua\entities folder, you will see all the available bullet types)
SWEP.Primary.RPM			= 1000					-- This is in rounds per minute
SWEP.Primary.ClipSize			= 15				-- How many bullets the magazine holds
SWEP.Primary.DefaultClip		= 16				-- How much ammo is given to you when you spawn the weapon
SWEP.Primary.ConeSpray			= 1.0				-- The hip fire accuracy
SWEP.Primary.ConeIncrement		= 1.5				-- Rate of innaccuracy
SWEP.Primary.ConeMax			= 3.0				-- The maximum inaccuracy
SWEP.Primary.ConeDecrement		= 0.1				-- Rate of accuracy
SWEP.Primary.KickUp				= 0.4				-- Maximum up recoil (Kick up)
SWEP.Primary.KickDown			= 0.3				-- Maximum down recoil (Kick down)
SWEP.Primary.KickHorizontal		= 0.3				-- Maximum horizontal\across recoil (Kick sideways)
SWEP.Primary.Automatic			= false				-- True = Automatic, False = Semi Automatic
SWEP.Primary.Ammo				= "pistol"			-- What ammo the weapon uses, (Available: AR2, AlyxGun, Pistol, SMG1, 357, etc. View the Gmod wiki for more)

SWEP.Secondary.ClipSize			= 1					-- You can ignore this stuff (Except IronFOV), as it is really not important
SWEP.Secondary.DefaultClip		= 1					
SWEP.Secondary.Automatic		= false				
SWEP.Secondary.Ammo				= ""
SWEP.Secondary.IronFOV			= 50				-- How much you 'zoom' in (For ironsights). Less is more! 	

SWEP.data 						= {}
SWEP.data.ironsights			= 1

SWEP.IronSightsPos = Vector (0, 0, 0)			-- Where the gun moves to in order to aim down sights, Replace this with the one from Ironsights Designer
SWEP.IronSightsAng = Vector (0, 0, 0)

SWEP.SightsPos = Vector (0, 0, 0)		-- Set this the same as IronSightsPos
SWEP.SightsAng = Vector (0, 0, 0)		-- Set this the same as IronSightsAng

SWEP.RunSightsPos = Vector (0.4751, 0, 1.8442)		-- The position the gun moves to when sprinting (You can make this in Ironsights Designer too)
SWEP.RunSightsAng = Vector (-17.6945, -1.4012, 0)

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